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Galactic Maid Conor by Or-Fi-S

Galactic Maid Conor


Commission for Runescail Runescail

This was actually the second Galactic Maid, but she hadn't done a comic until now.

Ficus woke up with a jolt! A shield dropped on her from nowhere as Hathor's voice commanded from the heavens. 'Find Aries and give her the shield.' A simple command but it was far too early for Ficus to be up.

"Just let me sleep. What's the rush?" Ficus whined.

Hathor boomed down in annoyance, "It's practically noon! If you'd just listen we'd be done already! Find Aries and give her the sh-"

Ficus cut the goddess off, "I got it! Find Aries and give her the shield. I got it! Can I sleep?"

"I need this done soon.” Hathor sighed, “You're going to need the power of Aries before you know it. Don't put this off."

"Alright, I'll find Aries." Ficus dragged herself out of bed.

Ficus got ready for the day and headed out to find the girl who'd become Aries. Ficus wasn't sure how she would find a new Galactic Maid, so she headed downtown and started asking every girl she met to touch the shield. Ficus had tried hundreds of women, men, and everyone in between. She was ready to give up when she remembered she was going to meet up with her friend, Conor. Exhausted from her fruitless search, Ficus gladly rushed over for a break.

Conor was already there, waiting for Ficus to arrive. They took instant interest in the shield. Conor loved shields and heavy armor. They were always playing tanks and defenders in MMOs. What Ficus wasn't expecting was for the shield to take interest in Conor.

"It was Conor? Why the gosh hecking flipnoodle couldn't you just say Aries was my friend?"

Hathor was sulking, "Oh, now you have time to talk to me, huh?"

"How the heck was I supposed to know it was Conor?" Ficus was getting bull headed.

"Wasn't it obvious? You act like you know everything, and you didn't even try the girl who loves shields and clearly wants a new body."

"I didn't know she was a girl!"

“Maybe you should get to know your friends better." Hathor gloated.

Ficus was angry, partially because Hathor was right, but mostly because she didn't have a way to win this argument. "I..." She thought hard, as Conor was gladly accepting Pan's offer. "I don't have gender detection powers! I- ! Gosh! Golly heck! Fine!" Ficus pouted. "You're right. I'm sorry. I should have listened more, to you and Cono-"

Ficus was interrupted by Conor's transformation into the GALACTIC MAID ARIES. Her friend was now a magical girl.

Ficus whispered a quick apology to Hathor. Right now though, she and Aries had some important talking to do and some clothing to buy.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Too cool. Wonder if it's too late to call dibs on Virgo. :3

    • Link

      Virgo IS one of the 3 unclaimed signs, if you're interested, and have $500, hit me up

      • Link

        I'm currently holding virgo for you, if that price seems too much, let me know, so I can free it up for others

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          Woah yes by all means free it up, I'm sorry. ;.;
          I got bad tangled up by work, some stuff got sideways and my budget got thrashed.
          I would loooove to do it but I just can't right this moment, and I'm not gonna ask you to wait around on my behalf.