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102112 :: DULLAHAN by fetalstar

102112 :: DULLAHAN


Dullahan character I made for Halloween. And then I decided to keep her. ♥

Experimented with painting using only a sketch, and no lineart. I'd like to be able to do these as commissions eventually but I'd definitely have to bump the price up quite a bit.

Download for details!

~15 hours in Sai.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    I really REALLY like this style from you. its so clean. and the hours you spent on this shows. What ever you decided to prices these commissions as, would be well worth the money.

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      I'm thinking about redoing my commission sheet when I open for regular ones again. I'm thinking ~$95 for single character full body with no background.

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      Like I'm renaming everything, too. Instead of Flat CG/Simple CG/Full CG it'd be Flat Colors/Cel Shaded/Painted

      • Link

        Thats a good price for a painting version like this. Thats how mine is too. But instead of Cel shaded its Full CG. But I think it would be better than breaking it down Simple CG/FUll CG. It might make it easier on you as well, not having to worry "is this to much detail for a simple CG, or, is not enough detail for a Full CG". your prices are worth it, and the renaming part is a good idea, keep it more organized.

        • Link

          I actually used to worry about that, when my Simple CG was more airbrushed, but since I moved to cel shading for that commission type, it never crosses my mind, because it's pretty obvious when it's NOT Full CG now!

          I think renaming will definitely help, because a lot of people still ask me what the difference is between Simple CG and Full CG, so just having it Cel Shaded/Painted is pretty straightforward.

          I hope people will still commission Painted stuff even with the upped prices. XD

          • Link

            People still bought your wing it commissions even though you upped the price $25. :3 People might not go for it as much, but that might be a good thing, since it seems your painting here took 15 hours. you dont wanna have 5 of them on your plate at once. but they people WHO but them are going to appreciate it more too. you could still offer that pay half now and half after sketch rule you have.

            • Link

              Yeah, the wing-it thing is pretty much why I'm a little nervous about upping the price on paintings, if I end up going this route for the style (which I probably will after I practice and experiment). When they were $50 the slots usually filled up really fast, but now that I've bumped them up to $75 it's been more like a slow trickle.

              But on the other hand, you're right. People DO have the option to pay half first, half after sketch when it comes to regular commissions, so maybe it won't be so bad. C:

              • Link

                I was so wanting another wing it from you, but i have to admit the $75 was a bit much for me. But im poor, and if i had $75 to spend i would have done it! When i bumped my prices up.. i wasn't getting much commission attention anymore. But you can't go and low ball yourself. Maybe you should raise them, see how that goes for awhile and compare to when you had your lower prices and see what you find, in the end, will give more profit in time.