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I dunno what to call this by FeralAsar

I dunno what to call this



I made a picture of where the newest incarnation of the original deathstar meets the other two.

I've decided to name the newest incarnation ' Queen Calista '.

The oldest carnation is on the far left, and probably the weirdest of the three designs of this character. She was originally a fancharacter, and belonged to my fan made zoid species called a deathstriker. I made other fan zoid species like the deerodder, the zombie deathstriker, and several others I forgot to name. I mixed them into my own created universe I made as kid, as well as the canon zoids to make some sort of AU of sorts with the stuff I made. I can somewhat remember her whole design, but some things like the color of the shirt, the pants as well as some other markings that I may have made I forgot. The original deathstar didn't actually have a pants, and shirt; however in present day it looks exactly that to me. She was also a villian, but I already explained that in the last drawing.

Then the middle one is one I made in mid to late high school, and when I decided to revive her again after i kinda ditched her for a few years. I made her a hero in this incarnation, and had somewhat of a story made out for her like she was an orphan who was adopted by another species of characters after her real parents were killed. She strived to be the best she could be, and was kinda running a group even then of hers. Yeah.. I know the story is clich'e as fuck, but other then that there wasn't much to it then beyond that as I kinda ditched her again when I found impressive title where I made other characters. I did however somewhat re-use some elements of her story for whitestripe; who is another character I have kinda neglected over the years I've noticed. The middle ones name was also moonflower, which was kinda inspired by watching the anime 'wolves rain'.

The third is the latest incarnation Queen Calista as you can see i kinda changed up the design a bit to make it more simple, as the other design felt a little cluttered to me. I already explained who queen Calista is going to be in the last picture, so I am not going into details about her here either.

I'm going to basically bring the two other designs back as other characters with some changes as I honestly still love them; it's kind of an unpopular opinion of mine I guess that I still actually love all my childhood designs as they all mean something special to me which to why I bother to remake them to fit present tastes of mine only changing some aspects of them. The reason why i change little is because if I change too much of the design I would have a feeling of it not being the same, as the character would look too vastly different to be that character; I will even mix incarnations of previous versions for the new one sometimes.

The middle one is going to be queen calista's son Prince Thatcher the I, and the other one is going to be a robotic dog that loves being dressed in human clothes by their owner.

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