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Tarsus Reference by FeisuCakester

Tarsus Reference


Tarsus from a Roleplay with Eri-Freak on DA. He's a Satyr with a phobia of Minotaurs.

Random glowing stone in background is random.

Name: Tarsus
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Satyr

Likes: Playing his Violin; Sleeping; Pretty girls; Wine; Dancing; Feeling important; Sunlight; Daytime; Warmth; Music; Laughter; Kindness; Being Alone; Exploring

Dislikes: Being bothered by anyone he doesn't know; Being put down by his friend Leonidas, A Centaur; Hatred; Swimming (His lame leg isn't really strong enough to keep him above water); Being Rebuked, Violence, Sadness, Minotaurs; Daft, unkind Humans; Knives or anything with a sharp edge; Rough treatment of ladies (He's a gentleman and likes it when women are treated well); Narcissism (Which is why I don't understand his friendship with Leonidas, who is a HUGE narcissist); Nighttime; Cold

Personality: Tarsus is usually a gruff explorer who loves to go out alone and play his Violin to anyone willing to listen, or just to himself. He patrols the borders of his and Leonidas' glade. Dimitra -a Lamia-, however, interests him, and he spends more time close to home, acting the part of a friendly gentleman with a sweet disposition.

History: Tarsus was named after the great Greek city of knowledge, Tarsus. His parents were both killed shortly after his birth, and he explored throughout Greece as a child, developing skills of stealth and quickness because of the necessity of staying out of sight and safe. As he grew older, he began studying humans and their "odd" ways of living- returning to a house each night to sleep, playing together, keeping animals and fishing.
He didn't like the way some of them treated each other, though, so he stayed out of sight for a long time. At one point he witnessed a traveler playing a strange instrument he heard the man call a "violin" or "fiddle". He spent a year trying to replicate the exact look of the instrument, but never quite tuned it correctly or learned to play as one would expect in order to create beautiful music. He liked the sound of the violin more than the musical tunes, though, and thus believes his violin sounds beautiful no matter what other's may think. As a young adult, Tarsus became more bold and would approach other creatures -including humans- who seemed friendly. The last time he did this was when he approached a bull, and was gored by it, severely wounding his left leg. He was able to use his self-learned knowledge of medicine to heal himself, but his leg never healed properly, causing him to limp for the rest of his life. This incident also caused him to have a great fear of the night, due to his poor night vision, and he would usually hide in villages at these times, being careful to not let any humans see him.
He met Leonidas about a year after the incident, when Leonidas was first cursed to be a Centaur by the gods. Or so that was what Leonidas said. Tarsus believed him mostly because Leonidas seemed nice, despite his extreme narcissism. Plus, Leonidas was terrible on his feet, falling multiple times and acting awkward in doing simple tasks, which was reason enough to conform to the idea that Leonidas couldn't have been born a centaur.
Tarsus then traveled with Leonidas, helping him to get used to being a centaur, along with helping him fight off hostile creatures. Together they found a peaceful glade with a large tree in the center, surrounded by forest on three sides, with a village several kilometers to the South. They spent a year carving the tree out and digging through it's gnarled roots, carving stairs into the earth and inlaying it with wood. The area a couple of meters below the tree was made of marble, and that carved a home into it over the next two years, using tools they stole from the village or found lying around in the surrounding forests. They used a large slab of bark to cover their doorway, making anyone think that the tree was just a tree, not an entrance to a hidden refuge. Over time, Tarsus and Leonidas collected several artifacts from the villages that Tarsus came upon on his daytime travels, such as statues and pretty trinkets that Leonidas loved.
They lived together peacefully for a while, and Tarsus crafted a spear for Leonidas so that he could protect himself more efficiently. The spear seemed to be the one link that connected the two creatures, as they were actually very different, besides their mutual love of wine and dancing.
Tarsus disliked Leonidas' narcissism and constant teasing, but he knew that Leonidas had helped him a lot, and felt indebted to the centaur, who protected Tarsus from Minotaurs or any other hostile creatures, since Tarsus was no longer as agile as he was before his leg was injured. Leonidas also let Tarsus play the violin whenever, instead of telling him to stop, as most did. Thus Tarsus has a bit of a wobbly friendship with Leonidas, and ever since Leonidas brought a Lamia named Dimitra to their home, competes with Leonidas for her affections.

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    "in reality it sounds like he's torturing large animals"

    omg. XD

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      XDD Yes, in the roleplay, when Dimitra first met him, he was playing his Violin. I believe the post was "It sounded vaguely like 'My Wild, Irish Rose', but sounded more like someone torturing a Wild Irish Goose"