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COMMISSION: Orbyss - .:ROBOT/VISIONARY:. by farorenightclaw



An absolutely mindblowingly stunning work for me by Orbyss. I paid far too little for the amount of work and detail that went into this and will definitely be commissioning Orbyss again - and tipping very heavily. There are far too many intricate details to describe here, so I'll just point out some favorites:

  • The incredible perspective work done on the lowest set of arms that make it look like they're coming out of the screen towards you
  • The little things like stars in the letters above Farore or the gentle curve of the circuitboard 'ground'
  • The fact that Orbyss decided to include the optional multi-aspects of Farore in the arms and ears
  • The twisty tongue
  • The Loom-style star in the middle of the forehead that is different that the smaller Loom-stars surrounding the figure, marking it as more important (at least in my mind).

(If you're not sure what a Loom star is, try playing the 1990 Lucasfilm Games title, Loom. It's one of the most gorgeous games I've ever played and holds immense meaning for me. I've had an obsession with the way the stars are illustrated in it for my entire life. Here's an example. One of my tattoo sleeves is planned to include a large number of them, in fact.)

This image just holds intense meaning for me and borders on the spiritual. Thank you a billion times, Orbyss, for your amazing work and all the heart you put into this.

Farore 2.0 is mine
Art by Orbyss Orbyss


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    LSD.exe activate.

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      It WAS called a 'psychadelic commission' when I ordered it X)