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Blood And Water Mini - Cast The Die by Faora

Blood And Water Mini - Cast The Die


A secret and powerful order somehow connected to the magi Oswell gathers in the wake of the events of Blood and Water, and newest acolyte Ransley finds himself thrust into a very dangerous mission against potentially the greatest threat in the world.

After I finished Blood and Water, I started to kick ideas around in my head for a continuation for the series and an expanded plotline. This little short story, set after the end of Blood and Water, is designed to be a bridge between the series and what's yet to come.

So yes, I'm not done with Deacon and Bain yet! The wheels in my head are turning. Smoke is pouring out of my ears. I'm vaguely hungry. Stay tuned for more Blood and Water news, and in the meantime, enjoy this mini-piece!

Characters and story copyright me, of course.
Rated Genera for clandestine meetings of shadowy orders.

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Literary / Story


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    Looking forward to what, if anything, happens next. I get the feel of this like some kind of post-credits scene from Blood and Water the movie.

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      Fun fact: when I started writing seriously (a couple of years before I joined the furry fandom, actually), I would write what played out in my head the way I did because I imagined my stories like movies or TV shows. My goal, moving forward, was always to have my writing play out that way in the minds of my readers, too. And with the glory of it being all imagination, the movie budget is infinite!

      All I can say for certain at the moment is that something WILL happen next. I'm kicking around in my head another little mini piece, possibly set before Blood and Water, that I may work on sometime soon. And aside from that, I'm definitely working on something more for this world. Just trying to figure out what form it'll take first.

      Hope you enjoyed, and continue to do so!

      • Link

        Well, all you need to do is keep writing awesome stuff!