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2016 Art Summary by Fang's Crayon Box

2016 Art Summary

Fang's Crayon Box

2016 was fine for my art... bad for everything else.

2017 can't come fast enough, this year has taken it's toll on me... You know how everybody is talking about how celebrities keep dying? Well fuck that, this year BOTH of my parents almost died! My dad had a heart attack and flat-lined at least twice (we're hearing another 2 times at the hospital now too.). Then my mom got diagnosed with diabetes shortly after that, right before they were going to go on vacation to Mexico, the doctor said if she had went, she should have died... And then there is my grandpa... who actually died! So yeah...
Then one of the very few friends I have that actually live in this shitty state almost committed suicide. And shortly after that, one of my best friends in the whole fucking world had his mom die from a heart attack...
So yeah, I've had it with death following me this year. And I hope it's over because I have a doctor's appointment early next month and it's

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Visual / Digital