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Neighbor Cat by Evianrei

Neighbor Cat


Recently made friends with the neighbor cat, finally. Of course right before we're moving.

They almost became our cat. When the neighbors moved in they found a kitten, and a little girl called over the fence at me. 'Hey is this your cat?' to which I replied 'no'. My answer was true, but I could have said yes, and had yet another cat. lol. We have plenty of animals though.

Being that the neighbor has five kids, it was inevitable that they'd adopt this cat. I saw it grow from a smol floof to a big one via their bay window, or from walking around their yard.

The day I met them for the first time in person I was actually callin' my cat over to put his new seresto on. He ignored me and sassily went exploring. I clk clk clked (noise I make to call him, I don't do the pspspsps noise) and gave up. Looked over at a crack in the fence between our house and our neighbor's and saw something moving.

I assumed it was their dog, as that's where his face is usually, staring us down like we're encroaching on his territory even though we lived here longer than him, lol. But after a second glance I notice it is the neighbor cat. Watching me.

I decided to walk over, and he/she didn't run. Stuck my hand to the fence and they sniffed me. No pets of course, which is fine. I appreciate even being able to boop my hand to their nose.

Goodbye new friend.

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