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Shanira (Sama) Reference by Evianrei

Shanira (Sama) Reference


Meet my newest character Shanira. She is based entirely off of my main fursona Evian however, Shanira will be used for projecteden roleplaying. This is what she was made for. Evian is basically Shanira's older sister or something (non-canon). They possess the same body type, are the same design wise, I only altered her slightly.

I might get a nude reference up sometime, but it took me weeks to get this hashed out because I had to keep putting it away to work on something else.

★Character Name: Shanira ("Warmed by the sun")
★Character Nickname: Sama ("Heaven, Sky")
★Character Age: 21
★Character Species: Lion/Avian hybrid
★Character Sex: Female
★Character Reference:
★Character Description: Medium sized lioness with white wings (partially damaged however still functional). Sometimes dressed in tribal paint and attire. A few piercings in ears and septum. Typically wears black tank top and white or black cargo shorts. Barefoot or in waterproof boots. Fingerless gloves.
★Strengths: Agility, speed, stealth, sense of smell and hearing, strong stomach
★Weaknesses: Strength, nearsighted, jumpy, low blood pressure, easily injured

★Weapons: Old fashioned longbow, gutting knife, fasthawk, dual magnum 44 pistols (one in better condition than the other).

★Equipment: Leather rucksack, scraps of paper, natural healing herbs, cheap metal mess kit, pencils, leatherback journal, cheap pack of cigarettes, old cheap lighters (3), 5ft long woven rope, old-style lantern, empty glass jars of varied sizes (3), bandanna, handmade slingshot w/pellets, -20 degree sleeping bag, large blue tarp, waterproof matches, standard pocket knife, fishing rod and 3 different tacky lures, sewing kit, two cans of spray paint (red) and (black), waterproof boots, cargo shorts (2 pairs), tank tops (3), fingerless gloves (2 pair short/long)

★Companion Animal:

★Personality: Among strangers typically silent and observant, responds to communication defensively and aggressively (lack of trust in others). Among friends or well known individuals more talkative and humorous. Willing to help. Cynical sense of humor, sharp tongue when angered.

★Group Role: Scout/Hunter + self-taught healer. Provides a lookout during nightwatches with nightvision and heightened senses. Does well with hunting and group hunts (however can hunt small to medium game alone). Prefers to fight defensively rather than offensively, stronger in ranged attacks. A fan of natural remedies paired with the standard first aid. Eager to gather as well.

★Modifiers: Nightvision, claws, teeth, nocturnal, hunters, stealth, Ability to fly, sharp talons, sense of direction
★Demodifiers: Need to eat and drink regularly, need meat, more prone to broken bones, prefer to be alone

★Status in RP: Active

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