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Nobody Knows by Eskil

Nobody Knows


A little something for Detts. <3

I have been...remarkably melancholy the past while, and it hit badly today. I need something to try and shake it off, but it turns out that was the perfection motivation for this.

Our characters Eskil and Stikarl, which were a couple a looong ways back who we haven't done anything with in...years, really. Neither of them have been drawn in quite a while, either -- so I took the liberty of making something with them.

Elin has remained one of my very best friends throughout the years of my stay on deviantART. We met on Neopets a long while back and it kind of carried over to here, which I am so thankful for. Ever since I started to get to know her, and she me, my confidence was boosted (even in the slightest), because before her I didn't have many friends. I...only really had one, in fact, besides her. She has always been there to listen whenever someone else brushed me off. I couldn't even count the times she would draw things for me just because she saw I was unhappy, or even just because. Birthdays, Christmases, roleplay, random events...didn't matter what time it was. Didn't matter what it was about. I really wish I had the motivation to pay you back in art because hey...I used to do it. All the time. Art of our characters littered my gallery every other day. I guess that's more towards back when I thought I was better than I really was (which was wonderful drawing motivation, haha). I've been in a terrible art slump that's been going on for a few years. It seems like only really every few days a month or year do I manage to break out of it for a short period of time. But I promise you, whenever I'm able to draw more than a sketch without wanting to throw my paper or monitor across the room, I'll make it up to you.

Whenever I was down about my art, there she was. Telling me it was okay that it wasn't perfect but that it was as perfect as it could be for the time being. That I just had to work harder and try. That I'd get better. I didn't want to believe her but y'know, I did. I could've given up, but I didn't. And I got better. And I kept getting better.

Eight years ago if you had told me I would become as attached to someone who lived halfway around the world as I am, I would have laughed at you and likely called you an idiot. But I guess you'd prove me wrong, huh? This is the longest online relationship I've ever had and it's been great. Not once have we fought or angered one another. I couldn't name a single time where she was upset towards anyone, actually. At least not that would be obvious.

We have talked less in recent years -- and I really wish I had the strength and time to talk to you every single day like we used to, but life has been pulling us apart. Jobs, relationships, moving, school. I've moved in the past year. I've had jobs for the past two and a half. I'm doing my best to counteract time and life. Regardless, just because we aren't super talkative like we were when we were 13 doesn't mean that I'm not still here. I'll always be here. I never left and I know you haven't either. Life just doesn't like to give us time anymore, it seems...but that's alright.

I just can't let go. I won't. How could I?

Think of it as a late birthday gift, or just a gift for being an amazing friend throughout the years. You've helped me increase my confidence and my love for the art world and for that I can't stop thanking you. I love you to death and I hope your day is wonderful.

Lev länge och älskar stark. Vet att jag är alltid här för dig.

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