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SmoochyBoop.PNG by EmuSal



That's the end of that hoodie.

This one was really just a quick piece to decide if I liked the newest major version of my drawing application (spoilers: I didn't. ), but it picked up a surprisingly good amount of steam of my Tumblr, so I figured you guys might like to see it here too.

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    Aww! This is adorable!

    What drawing app tho? I tried to adjust to Krita after using Paint Tool SAI and... I just couldn't. 64-bit Paint Tool SAI can't come soon enough. I utterly LOVE the application, but the 4GB RAM limit is severely hampering drawing, as you probably know.

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      It's Acorn, which recently upgraded to major Acorn 5 from Acorn 4.4.2... It's not really that different, but 5 is definitely geared toward photo manipulation instead of drawing. A lot of the filters and stuff worked better and quicker, and they added the ability to import Photoshop brushes, but the basic strokes were de-optimized. At the lowest picture depth, I felt like a stroke took slightly longer than usual to process. At 16 bpc depth, it took about a second for each line to draw and at 32 bpc each stroke was like watching a .GIF animation load on a 56k modem, so I downgraded back to 4.4.2, where 16 bpc draws basically real-time (as it should)

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        Hrmm, I see. So they basically made the app run worse trying to upgrade it.

        I'm guessing their product testing team only bother with the latest of hardware then wonder why half their customers complain...

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    It may be the end of that hoodie, but it looks like the beginning of a wonderful friendship... No really, its adorable :)

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