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Benson & Kevin Chapter 27 by emperorwolf

Chapter Twenty Seven: the ancient foxhole.

"i'm not giving anything away in the proverb, so, read the chapter!"
-ME. (emperorwolf, telling YOU)

benson stared into the distance. a black shape sat at the base of an enourmous ice mountain 100 meters away.
"it... can't be...?"
collin looked at him, and tilted his head
"the 'ruins' ... i... i know that place..."
999 turned and looked at him curiously "how?"

benson bolted
"it's where..." he trailed off.
everyone groaned and followed him.

benson stood before the giant-sized stone doors, engraved with odd carvings.
everyone caught up and glared at him.
"it's where... i ..."
everyone watched on, curious, as the fox put his paws on the door, and began turning stone dials on it.
"...was born."
the dials stopped, lining up to form an outline of a fox.
the doors creaked, groaned, and slid away to either side.
"come on!!" the fox said gleefully, running inside.
they followed him, and noticed the tropical atmosphere inside the ruins.
benson stood in a courtyard-looking-area.
he fished into his pocket, withdrawing the still sleeping sisters, and then discarded his jacket.
he put lily and amelia in the breast pocket of his long-sleeved shirt.

everyone discarded their winter clothing.
syrus marveled at the environment, the stone walls, ceiling, even floors, were engraved with squiggles, spirals and lines, carvings of foxes were mixed in here and there.
"what... IS this place?" the otter asked
"home." benson said nostalgically "it's got many names; the hole, hunter's labyrinth, the lair, orangetail kennel... but it's true name is 'foxhaven' ..." he sighed "the labyrinth-monastary of the foxes."
kevin stretched in the warm air "this is... where you were born, ben?"
he nodded "i lived here for a few years with my... parents..."
he sniffed the air, and his ears perked up.
he smiled.
"i knew you'd still be here..."
he sang a short poem...

"alongside us, you hunt.
perched above us, and sitting with us.
we see you, and you see us.
we are brothers in the hunt,
and remain as such out of it.
we are fox, and you are raven."

a small black bird flew in through the roof, and benson put out a finger for it to land on.
"ah, i know you, don't i?" it squawked
the fox smiled warmly "it's been twenty years, johnny."
the raven nodded "it's you, isn't it, benson?"
he nodded in reply
"how'd you get a voice?" the raven called johnny squawked
"it's... a long story."
johnny nodded slowly
"these are my friends; Kevin, Oriado, Carl and Syrus, Patrick, Aeon, Collin..."
he pointed into his pocket "...lily, amelia..."
he pointed at the brown wolf "and that's 999."
"not a friend?"
"not really."
999 bowed his head respectfully "we know each other already."
johnny nodded "yes, we do."
benson ignored the fact. "can you... take us to the centre?"
the raven lifted off of benson's claw "follow."

they followed the raven down a myriad of twisting, joined corridors.
there were holes in the walls.
"what's up with the holes in the walls?" oriado asked
"this was once a thriving city. those 'holes' you're talking about, were homes." benson answered.
syrus was still impressed "i get it, back from the primal days, right?"
"right. but even back then, we were advanced. we were monks, scientists, magicians, actors, philosiphers..."
"wow. in the primal days, otters were kinda... tribal."
kevin looked back at the leopard and otter "from what i've read, most of our kinds were. only a few groups were advanced or civilised: humans, wolves, and foxes."
oriado straightened up, and smiled proudly "although, we were more of a navajo society, even those of us who weren't actually navajo."
999 cleared his throat "and from what i've read, humans pretty much went through civilisation here the same way they did on earth."
carl sighed "they were kinda violent, though."
"they were defending themselves, humans have no fangs or claws, no natural weapons, no real 'special skill' for themselves ... so, just like on earth, they built tools to compensate, invention and adaptation, their special skill was... is... evolution."
patrick had a random thought "hey, since my father used to be human, but became a dog, and my mother is a feline, what does that make me?"
"it makes you... interesting." 999 replied.
lily and amelia had woken by now "hey, what do you think the angels were like in the primal era?"
the raven banked left, and everyone followed
"from what i have been able to discover, the angels were more concerned with earth until the year 2000, then they noticed this world."
Aeon made noises, 'talking'
"he said: they've been pretty much the same since time began..." patrick translated.
Aeon groaned
"...or so he's been told"

"so, why did the foxes abandon this place, benny?" lily asked
"well, as the other clans advanced, we decided it would be good to include ourselves in the world. but we still called foxhaven our home, until the wars."
the raven spoke up "during the wars, the wolves, and their subclans of 'dogs' ... forced the foxes to join them under the banner of 'canine' fighting against 'avian' 'marine' 'rodent' 'reptile' 'primate' and 'feline' you see, and, due to the raven's kinship with foxes, they allowed us to hide out in their homeland, rather than join the 'avian' clan."
benson turned his head to the others "and, after the wars, we abandonned foxhaven because we were forced to be categorised as 'canines' ... we sent a group back here, to act as guardians. the rest of the foxes ended up becoming 'average' forgetting their rich cultural history. over time, the numbers of the guardians dwindled ... i'm the last direct descendant of the guardian foxes."
carl nodded, intreagued "it was kinda similar for felines, the tigers forced every other 'cat' to join them. but we were a lot more... savage. over time, we discovered magic... but we lost our touch with it as time went on"
999 looked up at benson "did foxes discover Technomagic?"
"no. cats uncovered the secrets of Technomagic."
johnny squawked "just so you know, there were giants back then, too. they've always shared this world."
collin growled
Oriado translated "he said: i can't believe they peacefully shared an entire world three ways evenly, i just can't."
johnny stopped, flapping in the air "they didn't. the following war after the 'primal war', was the 'magnitude war' it pitted the giants against non-giants. they managed to stop themselves being crushed and devoured because the humans helped with their weapons, and the cats combined their mystic power with the human technology, creating Technomagic. using this new invention, they return-massacred the giants. it was a bloodbath of epic proportions." he squawked "the death was evenly dealt on both sides. eventually, they issued a truce. one hundred and thirty years later, technomages were branded illegal."
syrus huffed "and, of course, a thousand years later, there was the first ravaging."
carl sighed "then, seven hundred years and a bit, later... there was the second ravaging, the one Aeon was in."
Aeon looked sad.
"just over thirty years ago, right, old dog?" 999 asked
he nodded.
the raven turned to a stairwell "you'll know what to do from here, benson."
johnny flew off ahead.
benson gestured to the stairs, and they walked down.

the bottom of the stairs was at least a mile down, and another stone doorway stood before them.
benson pressed his paws to a panel, and began sliding tiles around "by the way, even after we left our old ways, even during the magnitude war, giant foxes never fought with non-giant foxes."
kevin scratched his head "seriously? everybody else just killed each other."
"well, we might have abandoned our spirituality, but we still shared deep, meaningful bonds, both by blood and by spirit. we just flat out refused to kill our kin."
he fiddled with the sliding puzzle.
"why're all the locks puzzles?"
"we were a very intelligent society, we thought that if anyone wanted to enter foxhaven, they had to prove their intellect worthy. the labyrinth, the puzzles, everything in our city was a test of the mind and body."
oriado laughed "sly foxes indeed!"
"quite. but this door leads to 'the centre' ... it's the deepest part of foxhaven, a place where our high priests and greatest mages lived. it was the place where our leaders took refuge."
"did the others hate the separation?" carl asked
"no, they revered those who were priviliged enough to be in the centre. they knew that those there had duties beyond their own."
"they... respected them?" syrus asked, bewildered.
"VERY much. back then, there was also five riddlemasters in front of this door, you had to answer every riddle correctly, then complete this puzzle to prove yourself worthy to enter. but you also had to have passed the trials of age, first."
"trials of age?" lily said, confused
"they were basically 'coming of age' tests. when you reached 15, you were subjected to ten trials to prove your worth, five were mental, four were physical."
"what was the last one?" amelia inquired.
"the final trial was spiritual. using a special method, we transported the tested ones into a final task on the plain of the mind, there, they had to confront their innermost thoughts, fears, emotions, everything that they were, things they didn't even know about themselves..."
999 went wide eyed in realisation "they had to conquor their own shadows..."
"Precicely. the tenth trial wasn't required to pass overall, but you had to pass it to be able to attempt to enter the centre. if you were about to be defeated by your shadow, it was sealed last minute, before you lost. they wouldn't endanger the tested people's lives."
patrick 'oohed' in wonder "incredible... but you only had to pass nine out of ten to be...?"
"be 'accepted' into society, it meant that you were considered an adult in the eyes of the council of elders. which, by the way, was a great honour."
the last tile slid into place.
the sliding puzzle showed the image of a feral fox in hunting position, a bird perched on it's muzzle, and a fireball burning on it's tail tip.
"wow" oriado remarked "you guys really were tight with ravens weren't you?"
"very much, when you reached 6, you had to enter a blood pact with one, only by becoming blood-brothers with a raven were you truly considered one of the clan, you were no longer seen as a 'child' but not yet an 'adult' you see."
"so johnny..."
"was supposed to be my blood brother, yes. but... i lost my parents before the time came."
the door opened, a cross of light coming out of it as the four segments of the door slid away.
the centre was a beautiful oasis, clear, blue water flowing freely into a pool which bared a mosaic floor.
the mosaic depicted a raven in flight.

there were two tombstones in the middle of the room.
they were carved from rigid, black obsidian, there was glimmering red writing upon them.
benson placed lily and amelia on the ground as he read the epitaphs.

"here lies reginald lothis palmer, last guardian of foxhaven.
may his spirit fly peacefully with his airborne brother at last.
may it also run across the endless plains with his terrestrial bretheren for eternity"

"here lies millian alposte palmer, last guardian of foxhaven.
may she spread her new wings and finally fly as she always wished to.
and may she now rest peacefully after her life of wonderful, yet difficult work."

at the base of the tombstones, there were also smaller epitaphs.

"here is the final roost of giovanni biani relveau, blood brother of reginald lothis palmer.
may he at last fly with his brother through the skies of the heavens.
and may he hold tightly as his brother runs the plains of the afterlife."

"here is the final roost of zii gou relveau, blood sister of millian alposte palmer.
may she soar through the clouds with her sister as they always desired.
and may she slumber with her, as she enjoys her well earned rest"

benson knelt in front of the tmbstones, weeping, but smiling
"i'm home... mother... father... i came back... just like you asked..."
johnny flew in, and landed on the tip of benson's left ear.
"as have i, my family. i have kept watch for the last guardians as they pleaded us to all those years ago, on their dying breath."

lily and amelia looked solemnly at the fox and raven.
"should we... leave you guys alone?"

benson continued weeping, and johnny began as well "mother... father... i've brought my friends with me... do you remember how you always wanted me to have friends?"
he closed his eyes and put up his paws in prayer.
johnny bowed his head and closed his eyes.

lily smiled and knelt beside the giant fox, and prayed as well.

"this is my girlfriend, lily. i know you'd have liked her."
"elilabetha monique heartrow, i'd have loved to have met the both... actually, all four of you." she said, quite a lot of respect in her voice.
amelia looked on, smiling.
she walked over to the rest of the group, 999, collin, and Aeon had returned to normal form.
she sat next to collin "this is amazing, isn't it?"
"definitely... it's more impressive than most ruined civilisations earth has, that's for sure"
Aeon sat down beside them "it's beautiful. it seems that benson's ancestors lived in a true utopia."
patrick returned to his normal, non-giant, feline form, and sat on his father's shoulder
"makes you wonder what it must've been like in its high point."
999 stood beside them "that it does. but sadly, even i can't do that."
"do what?" amelia asked
"time travel."
"what about an echo of light?" collin suggested
"i'm afraid i can't. i need a certain item to perform that, and i don't have it with me."

benson and johnny finished the prayer and the fox looked down apreciatingly at lily
"thank you, lil. that was wonderfully kind, and very respectful of you."
she smiled back "well, i've got to make a good impression, don't i?"
he smiled broadly. "they'd have loved to meet you."
"think so?"
"i know so."
johnny crowed "i believe so as well."

999 sighed, seeing the display reminded him of his own family.
he fought back tears and looked away.
as he looked around, he noticed that the source of light in the centre was coming from a natural crystal chandlier that hung from the roof.
(amazing technology for such an ancient society.) he thought to himself.
and then his eyes caught the faintest blue zip past the crystal, he looked around but couldn't see it.
(what was that just now?)

he summoned the emperor crown.
collin noticed "what're you doing?"
he put the crown on, the winds whipped up and his nobleman clothing appeared.
his eyes shot open.
"i knew it."

in the air hung two blue flames. the flames had faces in them.
fox faces.

"Mr Palmer... i've found something..."
collin donned the mask, the transformative winds changing him into Neowolf's attire.
he now saw the flames as well.
collin made a few different prayer-esque signs, and a blue light radiated from him.

benson stared as the flames appeared, and took shape.
the flames formed into a pair of foxes wearing ceremonial robes. each fox had a raven on their shoulder.
benson began to cry again "it's... them..."
everyone stared as the male fox-fire smiled down at benson
"hello son."
999 floated into the air "reginald and millian palmer, i assume?"
the female fox-fire nodded "and you are he who transcends reality, the nobleman wolf who was once human."
benson closed his eyes "how? how're you still...?"
reginald floated down to his son's muzzle "because, we made you promise you'd come back one day... and here you are."
"you... waited?"
"the two decades were worth it, just to see you again."
millian floated down "you've grown!"
"it's... a long story..."
everyone allowed benson some privacy to explain everything to his spectral parents.
they sat at the edge of the artificial lake.
lily looked at the emperor "so... are they...?"
"ghosts, in a sense." he nodded "they refused to move on without fulfilling their promise."
Aeon looked on, mystified "will they... leave once the conversation is over?"
"likely. but since they can still interact with the world, they're phantoms... they still have a vast amount of spiritual power-"
suddenly, reginald and millian began to blaze larger, becoming twin azure infernos in the air.
he realised their intentions, and sprang to his feet "i... i know what they're going to do!"
the fires exploded.
everyone screamed, 999 dove in front of them and stood with his arms outstretched.
"raise the blackfire inferno: backfire barrier!" he exclaimed
a wall of ebony flame rose up, blocking the blue flames from reaching them.

benson couldn't breathe, the blue flames raged around him.
"do not fear, son." reginald's voice reached him
"you will not be harmed. open your mind, open your soul, son!" called millian's voice.
benson allowed the energy of the blaze to permeate his body.

-"the first event"-

inside his inner world, the flames struck out at his shadow.
benson ran toward his shadow, and a spectral colloseum formed.
he stared the monotone grey fox down.

"it's time."
"it seems so."
they bowed and began a chant
"you are me and i am you, we are one that lives as two.
we now engage in battle, one which only we can settle.
shadow and mortal.
mortal and shadow.
let the trial numbered ten, known as the psyche-siren...

they rushed at each other, growling ferociously, teeth bared, claws aimed to strike.
benson landed a direct hit to his shadow's left eye, making it loose a monsterous pained howl.
it struck back, its fangs tearing into his flesh.
fighting through the pain, he lined up his other paw
he punched it straight in the eye, it fell back, screaming.
he took his chance, and rushed it, biting down on its shoulder.
it screamed louder and writhed in agony.
benson flexed his jaws, grinding his mouth shut bit by bit.
his shadow glared murderously, and punched him in the head, he tumbled back, but he'd done as he intended.
his teeth had sunk in far enough to the monsterous pelt, and when he was knocked away, the shadow's whole arm came with him.
the arm burned, and vanished, and his own right arm felt stronger.
the shadow clutched its wound, wailing in agony.
a black orb formed in its open mouth.

it spat the orb at benson, and he only narrowly avoided it.
he lunged at the shadow, grabbed its left leg, and swung it around in a circle.
he spun faster and faster, and his shadow's screams escalated
he swung the body to the ground, and the leg tore off, as before, it burned away, and his own became stronger.
the shadow roared, loosing a pitch black beam of energy from it's mouth.
the beam hit benson, and his clothing tore, his flesh burned, he screamed.
but he didn't fall down and die.
he began to push back against the energy.
he made it halfway, he was engulfed in blue flames
"...your ass...!"
his shadow went wide eyed as benson stood a meter from it, staring maliciosly back at the shadow.
he raised his arm, making a fist, blue flames burned on it. his shadow could only watch in fear.
"OF ... MY ... HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed in pure, unadulterated rage, and struck savagely at his shadow, tearing a gaping hole in it's chest.
the blue flames engulfed the shadow, and it cried out in pain.
"you BASTARD!" he twisted his arm, and flung it out to the side, tearing the shadow's body in half.
the lower half burned away, yet again making benson stronger.
the floating torso, head and left arm was all that remained of his shadow.
"what.... what are you?!" it screamed at him, vast amounts of fear in it's voice.
"i am..."
he rushed it, and grabbed it by the throat
the shadow choked, then smiled "i am what you are, and you are what i am, we are the same, you are part of me, and the opposite is also true. we are one, living as two... this is no more, i assimilate into you."
the shadow burned away.
benson felt his body overflow with energy, it felt like electricity surged through his veins, like a tsunami of pure power flowed through his gut, like an inferno of strength raged in his heart, like a massive cyclone blew through his lungs.
he looked around, and millions of foxes sat in the seats of the colloseum, cheering for him.
"?!" he gasped in shock.
among them was 999.
he stood next to a fox wearing the same nobleman clothing, but marked with the number 0.
the fox raised his paws and bellowed "our distant pack-brother has conquered his inner self, he has deemed himself worthy!"
the world faded out.

he opened his eyes to see lily standing right in front of his eyes, her face obviously showing worry.
"hey... there."
she smiled, and hugged his face. "don't ever do that again!"
he smiled, and his eyes flashed gold with red pupils.
"don't worry... i never have to... ever again."
his head lay on the side, and he was flat on his back.
his eyes returned to blue and green respectively.
collin darted into his vision "what the fuck WAS that?!"
"i... conquered..."
999 scoffed impatiently "out with it already! his parents helped him face his shadow in the tenth trial and he won!"
everyone clamoured in surprise, but then kevin barked loudly, getting their attention.
he smiled at the beaten fox "good job, ben!"
he gave a thumbs-up.
benson returned the gesture "thanks... i'm gonna... pass out now..."
syrus and carl laughed "yeah, you do that!"
he smiled, and then blacked out.

Benson & Kevin Chapter 27


chapter 27.
after a bit of thought, the idea for a little backstory on benson and his past seemed needed.

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