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Together (2013) by emeraldarcanine811

Together (2013)


(OLD art from 2013)
It was nearing sundown in Snowbelle city. Quilladin and Braixen were let out of their Pokeballs to stretch their legs as their trainers head to check into into the hotel, the two went ahead into the Winding woods, where to setting sun barely came through the canopy of trees, leaving the forest in a beautiful purple hue.

The air was also colder than cold, and not just from the snow either, but because the snowy seasons have just arrived, Trevenants were huddled together, and Zoroarks slepted in their homes. The grass and fire type wandered the twists and turns, Braixen letting her nose guide them incase they were to get lost.

Quilladin shivered, huffing out a puff of cold air. Being a grass type, the cold weather wasn't too friendly to him, he was surprised snow hasn't covered the ground! But keeping close to his fire-type friend, the heat that naturally radiated from her allowed him to ignore it and focus on the scenery.

"Wow Braix, your weren't kidding when you said sundown is the best place to come here" *He looked up to his love interest, Braixen, who leaned down to nuzzle the spiny dillo nose to nose, earning a faint blush from him.

Braixen giggled at the reaction, letting off her sweetest of smiles. "Ya see?" *She turned to the rodent, her slight country accent hasn't changed not one bit, and her sweet talking still had quite an effect on him. "I told ya sunset was the best time to come here sugarcube.. It's a beautiful sight isn't it"

Quilladin had turned his gaze to the ground, his blush not fading. "Not the only thing beautiful around here.." He let off a slight murmurr, thinking aloud to himself, and somehow forgetting Braixen was a Fennec with strong psychic properties, her ears acting as a pivot and hearing his slightest of sounds, and if feeling up to it, she could even, absent-mindedly, read his mind at times without meaning to.

"What was that sugar?"

"Oh, N-nothing Braixen.. by the way mind if I have a minute alone?" Quill spoke softly, earning a nod from Braix, not minding at all and decided to rest on the path, seems she was thinking about something, for she had that cute smile on her muzzle.

Quill shivered again as he trailed the path, though not from the cold this time. The reason in truth, he was in love with Braixen, madly in love, ever since they were starters infact. Only problem was he wasn't sure if he should tell Braixen herself, for he was afraid the feeling was one-sided, even though there have been many hints from her already, she loved hanging around him, protecting him, even saying that herself. She was confident for Quill in every way possible. Braixen in general was a sweetheart at best. Picking up a flower her color, he looked blankly at it, lost in thought..

"Oh boy Braixen, if only you knew how I felt about you.. He thought out loud again, staring blank at the flower, which let off a glow "It would make this much easier, but even so.. I don't know when I should tell you how I feel. Should I tell her now? I mean, she might like me back.." *He spoke to the flower, there was a flabebe on one of the petals of a blue flower nearby, looking back at the grass type, hearing every word.

"Who's 'her' you speak of?" *The flabebe spoke, coming up to land on the dillos' nose, looking at him eye to eye.

"Braixen.. I have a mad crush on her, but I don't think she knows.." Quilladin muttered, blushing bright when he admitted his feelings about his love interest to the fairy.

"Why don't you tell her how you really feel? You'll never know if she likes you back unless she was to tell you first right? Maybe she's feeling the same way for you? Maybe she's feeling what you're feeling, and she's nervouse to tell you." Flabebe suggested, earning a mad blush from Quill.

"Y-you really think she might has feelings for me? What should I do?" He stuttered, looking the fairy straight in the eye.

The flabebe nodded "I say tell her how you feel, if she feels the same for you, she'll admit she likes you back, it's easy. Take the flower as a little gift to her." *The flabebe nudged the glowing gold flowing into Quilladins paws, floating back to her blue flower, quill took a deep breath, turning and trotting back to the Braixen's spot, not before waving his tail to the flabebe in a goodbye.

It wasn't long till Quilladin arrived back to Braixen's location"Hey Braixen? Can I talk to you about something?"

Braixen snapped her eyes open, "Sure thing sugar! C'mere, you're probably freezing by now." ..Such a sweet girl.

Quilladin blushed as he snuggled up to Braix, sighing in relief from the cold, he hid the flower in between them both, the glow too faint to be noticed. It almost made him fall asleep, until the fennec spoke. "So sugarcube, what's on your mind? You've been blushing a lot lately."

"I might as well tell her." He thought to himself. "W..Well, erm, well it's just that I..I.. Eeee.." *He squeeked nervously, earning a nudge from Braixen.

"Come on Quill, you can tell me anything, I won't mind at all." She nuzzled him again, making him blush brighter.

"Well, I..I l-like you Braixen. *Quilladin hid his blush under his paws, Braixen blushed, she wasn't expecting him to feel the same way, it was now her turn to blush, her ears glowing in response.

"Wait.. ya"

Quilladin nodded and flattened his ears, it felt like his heart almost stopped instantly. "I've.. I've always had a crush on you Braixen, at least since we've evolved.. I wanted to be with you since.." He finally spoke and gave a nervous smile, nuzzling into the fox's chest, waiting for her response, since it took a while to take in.

Braixen's ears glowed even brighter as she blushed, looking down at the rodent nuzzling her, she was in complete surprise, lost in thought, and noticing the bright flower, giggling alittle as it glowed brighter. "He.. he likes me back?" The fennec smiled, suddenly wrapping her paws around around Quilladin, taking one of his paws in hers, nuzzling his crest.

"I.. I got him.." She spoke to herself, until after a few minutes, she finally spoke. "I like you too Quill.. why'd ya keep it hidden for so long though?"

Quill kept nuzzling her, looking up into Braixen's eyes, ears twitching. "Well I didn't know if you actually liked me back or not, soo I hid it."

"Silly sugarcube.." Braixen chuckled. "I could've went into that little mind of yours, you don't need to hide anything from me, you know I don't bite.."

"I know, guess I was too nervous" Quilladin squeeked again, letting off a bashful smile. "And I doubt you could compare to any others, I mean, you're sweet, caring... compassionate.. " Trailing off slightly, until Braixen shushed him, ears glowing their brightest.

"Hush sweety.. you don't need to say anymore" *She placed a paw on his nose, her muzzle close to his, pressing her pink nose to his, causing Quill to gasp and hold his breath.

"B-Braixen.." He stuttered.

"Hehe, love you, my little knight." Braixen spoke softly.

Quilladin squeeked one more time before sighing slightly, both in Braixen's embrace and the heat radiating from it, he couldn't stop smiling, tears falling from his eyes.

"Love you too.."

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