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Malignity vs The Beast of Banes by Elysianaut

Malignity vs The Beast of Banes


"An expedition into the ruins of the old world is usually a tenuous proposition.

The allure of ancient treasures and arcane relics is offset by the inhospitablity of local wild life.
Depth-spawned malignities and warped arbitrations of life stalk these derelict halls of dust and stone.

This of course comes as no deterrent when you wear a mantle of legendary tales about you.
And the rumourmongers whisper feverish tales about the knight with helm framed with horns
and a great massive blade.


An old word from an even older land.
From the original "Dro'thae", a bane of beasts, a potent poison.
The title of legend, The Beast of Banes, speaks of a ruthless slayer-knight, poison of monsters
and tyrants alike.

An old world legend...
Surely someone like that should feel right at home in those ancient warrens"