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'Your kind is not welcome' by Echte Sinte

'Your kind is not welcome'

Echte Sinte

"Your peoples design is inferiour. Live a happy life if you can, but leave! Your presence is unhealthy and disgusting. I feel for you - trapped in this thing..."

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    Im queen Grawn Castillo. your kind are a abomination, my legions are humans.

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      Lady Castillo.
      I'm just a humble peasant-Fox but I really have to bring your integrety into question here. I'm quite certain that it's almost physically impossible to be sympathetic to something so disgusting as humans. I seriously have to question your sense of aesthetics, your majesty.
      I get you on your last point, though. Humans make great slaves! They're admittedly not as robust, astonishingly ugly and not half as smart as we are, but they're easy to catch, easy to train and easy to maintain.
      I mean they will almost eat anything, they have no standarts. So practical.

      Humans cannot enter the main-land, though, without leaving their humanity behind. I really appreciate your sympathy for the lesser creatures (It's charming, really :) ), but a strong spell makes entering as a human impossible. They will become one of us in the process. Humankind is not welcome. Their design is inferiour.

      I wish you and your legions the very best. I'm shure you'll treat your humans nicely, so that they can live happy little lives.
      Best regards,
      Echte Sinte

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        Mark my word you furry, this is the last time that you'll ever given me the order to enslave my brothers and sisters. The humans are my legion. I'll cross the nile river and destroy Anubis and his officials. There is no furries in my legion becuz I killed them all.

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          Lady Castillo,
          thanks for answering me. Consider your words marked.
          Your majesty, I've got no clue what you want with your humans besides keeping them as slaves... I mean they can't really connect with our ways of life... It's not like they are very capable on their own.
          Humans are Hivemind-creatures. As long as they are not lead they feel uncomfortable. Seriously - you're propably just torturing your humans by not giving them orders! They need orders. They need masters to keep them in line or they feel uncomfortable. In the days of humankind they formed something called "governments" where they elected people to lead them.
          It's very much like with ants. Ants need a Queen! So do humans need masters.

          And wasn't "Anubis" just a myth derived from some early human societies? It's interesting how humans always imagined us as gods. It's as if we were destined to be their masters. I'm happy that this is how things turned out in the end. Interestingly enough, the humans are happier too. :)

          As far as the Furries you killed go, I'm shure you had your reasons. I've had some violent conflicts myself, I'm not judging. :)

          Yours sincerely:
          Echte Sinte

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            Go to the death valley and tell the furry government to leave me alone and I'll buy human slaves for my legion army and i'll give them one order and that's to kill furries.

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              There is no Furry government. We can take care of things ourselves. "Government" is an old, human ant-hill concept.
              We'll propably not sell our slaves to you, if you'll make them fight us in the end. Plus, Slaves are pretty expensive. Noone will survive financially if he simply buys all the slaves just to set them free. Just a
              point of advice. There aren't even enough humans to begin with. The most recent estimates say it's one human to 87 Furries. Population control is very effective. We don't want humans to become a nuisance. They're too dirty and a depressingly ugly sight. You ever smelled "sweat", I think they call it? It's disgusting!

              I'm reasonably certain most of our human slaves would fight for us. Most of us are very genuine masters and we tend to treat them nicely (within the bounds of reason, that is). Sometimes they'll even get to sit on the same table as we do! Many humans are worshipping us as gods as a matter of fact.
              It's silly and we try to persuade them that we are NOT gods, but such a Religion seems to be veeery, very hard to get rid of and sadly, it's growing rapidly...

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                praetorians seize this traitor for enslaving our human brethrens

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    That's was isnpaired by Ceaser Edward Sallow from fallout NV

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      Never played it. :/
      Your comment was inspired by Fallout?