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Gift - Merry Christmas Everyone! by EccentricChimera

Gift - Merry Christmas Everyone!


Finally done! Kinda late...but still pretty great! And I'm currently working on the other one, finishing the coloring, so that should be up in about an hour or so. Merry (Belated) Christmas to everyone! Hope you guys like your various TFs!

Let's go down the list, shall we?

--Stuffed animal -   zachariah_corvish
--Pillow -   brakkwani
--Sheet that wraps around the base of the tree -   idun
--Action Figure - That's me!
--Candy Cane -   flatteningfanatic
--4 Boxes holding presents (from left to right)   servothelombax,   wolfertech,   acethegolden,   specsthefox
--Gingerbread man -   flattenedbyasteamroller
--Postcard -   demonbox
--Nutcracker Solider -   sleeves1991
--Stocking filled with Candy -   joesephjackal
--Santa hat on Zakk Plushie's head - :iconreelie:

Thanks for participating! Now, it's back to late night no-sleep arts for me!

...I feel a little dizzy.