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NSA: Javierro Salazar by DyerDexter

NSA: Javierro Salazar


Javierro Salazar for #NightShade-Academy

The Basics:

Name: Javierro Salazar

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130 lbs

Species: Dragofox

Dorm: N/A

Staff: School Chef

About Javierro:

Likes: Art, Languages, cooking, relaxing, and being with his husband Remy

Dislikes: People hitting on him sexually because he will blush like there's no tomorrow

Personality: Javierro is an extremely laid back, always nearly seen smirking or smiling warmly. He tends to be reckless with his attitude with people above him. He tries to be polite and appears to be honorable enough to refuse taking credit that is due to others. He is very blunt honest. He also has a strong sense of leadership when it's called for. He also can be reasonable and provide important and logical decisions at critical times by evaluating the situation from an objective view. He will remain calm and happy until something happens to change his mood. He is neutral an MANY situations. He seems to emit an easing aura to those who are around him. He easily blushes when kissed or in a sexual situation or being called cute, sexy, hot, etc. He always has his headphones over his ears and doesn't like other people seeing his scars so he will try to cover them up.

History: Javierro was born to a father by the name of Gunnar Mikolaus and a step-father by the name of Sancho de la Rosa. Javierro had siblings: Chazz, Savioxn, Heaven, and Leonrajan. Javierro had befriended a young blue fox as a child whom he always played with and cuddled. He always took very good care of the fox. Javierro would never let the blue fox out of his sight because it was his source of comfort and love for a while. Javierro always tried to keep the pup happy but he was very heartbroken when it left their home. He then turned 15 years old.

When Dyron killed their dad, Javierro felt like his heart broke. Chazz ran off to find a way to break the curse off them a long time ago. Savioxn had been lost to the Darkness Realm. Heaven disappeared on her own. Leonrajan was nowhere to be found He was alone. He whimpered. He cried. Darkrin decided to send him off to a school in Fisherman Horzion. At Fisherman Horzion, Javierro met a guy with blue hair by the name of Remy Amorosa but he was known as Xiodo. He always walked away from him until Remy scowled and grabbed Javierro by his arm and kissed him in the frikking class! The teacher flipped a shit about it. Remy said in his straight forward tone, "Don't be so difficult, Javie. I'm gonna have you and no one else."

Javierro tried to give him a smart mouth answer but the more time he spent with Remy, he grew to enjoy his company and started to fall in love with him. Remy’s grin is so lively and bursting with happiness. As the time went on, they went into college level together and apparently Remy had a nerdish side to him which was cute. It was then when they stopped being friends and became a couple and it took an assignment of Remy’s to get us together and he took Javierro’s virginity although Javierro would never admit Remy was his first. Remy was such a loving guy.

Ever since Javierro ran into Remy at the school, Remy had decorated his locker with stuff, refilled his art supplies, wrote his notes for his classes and handed them to him. Remy even sent 1000 roses to Javierro, got an seranade at Javierro’s window of his dorm room, and brought him expensive lunches. Before all that, Remy had announced on the school intercom, "Did you know that the moment I lay eyes on you, I stopped being a man ho and kept trying to get your attention because I WANT YOU, Javierro Salazar?"

One day, Javierro passed out in class while giving his report on sociology because he was so sick. Remy rushed from his seat and caught Javierro before he hit the ground. Remy held Javierro in his arms, making sure that Javierro’s head was against his chest. Remy took Javierro to his dorm room, washed him, put him in Remy’s boxers, and kept cuddling him in his bed until Javierro woke up again and then Remy began to nurse Javierro back to his health. Javierro remember that because he woke up thinking, 'Damn my bed's so comfy,' and when waking up, realized that he wasn't in my room. Javierro had Remy worried sick about him.

Javierro don't know what happened but he died when he was separated from Remy. Javierro was trapped inside Sioban's body for a while and then he got free and back in his body again....and began all the shit that went down in Organization Twilight. Organization Twilight has a very long story…but it will be summarized as best it can be.

Javierro assumed that Remy had died and never was going to come back, so he started to move on VERY slowly. It always felt like something was missing inside him. Javierro soon fell in love with Nexanda, a cute guy who did his best and Javierro is thankful for his time with him. Javierro spent a good amount of time with him until he saw Remy again. But Remy didn't remember ANYTHING but whatever he knew from Oso's mind. Javierro just stuffed all of his emotions down and just sat next to Remy’s bed while Javierro was watching over him for Axtin. They just chatted for a bit, having fun until the next day when Remy took Javierro by surprise and gave him a back massage and a hand job. Remy was in a relationship with a friend of his, Xatem. He was getting engaged to her and was gonna marry her. Remy had Javierro as a boyfriend on the side for a while. They had our ups and downs. Remy went off to marry Xatem and Javierro went with Grxeg for a while. Then became single again. Remy broke up with Xatem and it was very ugly considering the drama. Remy then got with Xian and got engaged to Xian. Javierro dunno what happened there but apperently Remy was single again and he hooked up with Javierro again and kept a tight hold on him.

Before Remy came back, Javierro couldn't handle it anymore. Javierro didn't want to suffer any more relationships because he was done with the heartache. He didn't want to deal with the on and off with relationships. Javierro just let Honorato take over his body while Marko was around until Honorato got his body back. Then Javierro decided to play it safe by being single and just focus on being a superior of Organization Twilight. He was just working and doing what he could. However, Remy returned to Javierro and married him. Javierro then realized that the organization was gonna fall apart so as Tory destroyed that universe, Javierro saved it by using his own element to teleport everyone into his own realm where he gets his element from.

Meanwhile, before Javierro had gotten with Remy again in late Organization Twilight. Javierro had dated and married to a man named Luke Void who was a twin of Xatem Void. Luke decided to abandon Javierro and the two kids, Seiki and Lucas. Once Luke left to his own world, little did everyone know that Luke would return and reformed into Luke Molar.

Power/Element: Cero.

Reference (c) Zerochan/Kaito

Javierro (c) Me

Submission Information

Visual / Digital