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Moving forward together by DragonLavinia (critique requested)

Moving forward together (critique requested)


BUT YEAH... this.. I mean last year was basically the 10 year anniversary of me creating Hronawmon... RANDOM LAVVY FACT FOR THE DAY! Now excuse me while I ramble a bit:
Hronawmon wasn't really my first oc, but it is the first one that is still around. Not only that but her design remains unchanged, excluding art skill and character development, which I will go into detail later. It's not a matter of pride that I didn't change her design, but a mix of, I felt like it was good as it is and the fact that I was too nostalgic for it... even if it meant keeping the hexagram and constantly having to answer no, it's not meant for the jewish faith, with respect to jews. I just had no idea what it meant at the time, and either way, I don't rly associate digimons with any religion, so I don't see angemon as necessarily christian just because they have crosses plastered on their body and look like an angel. But this is not about that issue, and really, I did change or post pone Hronawmon's digivolutions way more than the rookie itself, particularly Cyberdramon look wise and Infernalmon post poning wise. Hronawmon was that nice middle ground I could touch since I decided to take on art seriously I suppose.

Bringing into aspect... yes that's how Lavvy looked like when she actually was a nooblet. Even more so this is before I came up with the perfect haircut for my forms/was too young to enter my rebel/rocker phase so her hair is relatively normal...which fits her.
Lavvy didn't start off as this brave, violent tamer we see now. In fact, during that time, I did wonder a little... "What stops me from dying if things like this would happen irl?" when I started thinking about form based stories. The answer is nothing, the threat would be very real. It wouldn't have a happy end or a timely saving necessarily because it was real and not a show. And there was no guarantee you were gonna be the main anyways... Young Lavvy, at 11 going 12 realized this, and she quickly got scared and very reliant on her digimon. I mean she was a bit of a feisty kid... but against monsters? no dice, even rookies. Plus this was a bit of a troubled time, where she proffered digimon and other anime over the real life issues. Lucky at her start she also had a tamer team and the stress was lessened.
She was quite weak and cowardly (EY YALL GET IT NOW?! SURPRISE!). This was before she started feeling bad for her digimon's burden and actually took her body and muscles seriously.... so she's the typical digi kid twig.
As for Hronawmon, because she was born from art and because she was made of almost deleted digital remains of Infernalmon, she was born with a child like mentality. And that child like mentality had in store curiosity and a lack of danger percipience unless it was obvious. Luckily she still retained the digimon battle instinct but that only arrived in a pitch... Otherwise she was quite... derpy per say. But she was the kind of endearing child that was needed to boost her own tamer's confidence and she needed her tamer to actually pull back to a more intellectual state.
Hronawmon's original design had her more chubby, before I discovered the joy of muscles... or at least being able to draw them. But it also made sense since Lavvy didn't force Hronawmon to train since she was more focused on survival rather than working that body or further gaining strength. So she was a bit pudgy.

Nowadays, so many years later, you can tell a most differing contrast: Lavvy looks like someone trained in a monster society while Hronawmon is well aware of issues and flaws and her intellect is back to being developped. Both of their muscles and physical form are more developped... And Lavvy got her weird ass haircut.
Tho most is learned from Lavvy, especially during her sudden, more active grow. At the moment it is a rather bad situation for them both, considering this anniversary is caught during a very dark oct, and the current issues with Lavvy's arm and personality and Hronawmon's over worrying. But they still keep trekking through, although.. strangely enough the roles are shifted now a bit. Lavvy is the one pulling forward now... or is she?
Either way it the hands still won't let go of eachother. And for as much as they face issues, they will still rely on eachother in the end. All about unity.

...tho even the bad things stick sometimes... You just gotta keep going until they become insignificant however.

Anyways.. this year was very annoying for me, news wise and my activity wise... i won't say next year will hopefully be better, because considering last year I may jinx it, but just. Imma have to rely on my OWN WILLPOWER FOR WHAT I PLAN, YASS!

...Anyways enjoy.

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Digimon c Bandai/Toei
Hronawmon, Corruption Virus and Lavvy c me!

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Visual / Digital