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Silvana (WIPish) by Draekos

Silvana (WIPish)


Soooo to prove I'm still alive and all, and to not flood you guys with more christmas stuff.... here we go.


Monster hunter.

Past Pathfinder character (campaign fell apart :< )

She's gotten some reworking fomr those days (mostly grown out hair) Kinda rushed and unfinished work, but it's fun to do different styles.

As for life things, power and internet are back, I'm home from chirstmas, was good.

art and Silv are mine

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    Very nice. I never managed to play in a Pathfinder game, but I did do a few 4E D&Ds.

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      I like pathfinder more.... 4 is very WoW-ish feeling....a lot of per-day 'cool downs' and power spamming <_<

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        It was the first thing I was brought into, and I hear Pathfinder is more role-play centric, which is cool, I'm just not able to do it well in person.

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          whom ever your DM is kinda has more or less control over how the campaign is slanted.... Pathfinder is basically 3.5

          I'd need to have another game of 4 before I can really judge it though. The DM I have in college had us railroaded so hard I was expecting cutscenes.

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            I looked at Pathfinder compared to 4, and one of the major differences I saw were that a lot of stats in Pathfinder (and thus 3.5?) were bundled into stats like acrobatics, athletics, etc. Which then, moving on to D&D Next, they're even further shrunk down into aligning with the all stats but CON. I think. I'm just going off memory. Sadly most of my D&D experience is contained in like three one-shots? Tried a campaign...but we barely got to 11th level.

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              11th? <_< That's... actually rather high. Unless your DM was really shovelling on the xp 20th is considered demi-god teir characters after all!

              And yeah, I never really looked at 2, but a lot of skills and stats are simplified down, I think it makes sense, since (and I'm going by memory of conversation, rather than actual experience) the skills and such that were simplified down are actually related and someone good at one would most likely be good at the other.