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2022 macro march growth drive! pokemon vs digimon 5 by Draco Rex

2022 macro march growth drive! pokemon vs digimon 5

Draco Rex

Uh oh, it's that time of the year again, time for a grooowth drivvve!

OH NO! RENADUDE HAS BECOME RENAFOOD! Everyone's a bit taken aback by this, though none more than Shelby who has digivolved to a wargreymon! He has entered the drive!

This year it's my Incinrawr (incinroar) and Bolide (Borusa's charizard), vrs Renadude s[/s] Sheby's wargreymon and Agent Shark (Cyberdramon). The rules are as follows:

They grow based on how much money is donated to them. The amounts they grow by are listed along side their name. To donate the money, click on this link -> and tell me who the money is going to. In round 3 the growth multipliers will unlock. Pokemon can dynamax, digimon can get infected by black gears and crystals. Careful though, if a pokemon dynamaxes 3 times in a roll, they will be unable to grow for a turn and need to rest. Same for the digimon, 3 dark gears and they may glitch a little and require a turn to rest from growing to run a diagnostic to fix the issue. Yin gets 5 growth multiplers before he has to rest a turn. If he gets all 5 he'll pop. what happens then, well, that's a surprise.

here are the current sizes and rates

Bolide (charizard) 186ft
$1 = 2ft | $5 = 4ft | $20 = 60ft $60 = Dynamax X3 (0/3)

Incinerawr (incineroar) 129ft
$1 = 2ft | $5 = 4ft | $20 = 60ft

Shelby (wargreymon)
120ft $1 = 2ft | $5 = 4ft | $20 = 60ft

Agent Shark (cyberdramon)
37ft 6in $1 = 8in | $5 = 4ft | $20 = 20ft

Yin (kitsune)
13ft 4in $1 = 4in | $5 = 2ft | $20 = 10ft

Renadude (consumed)

again, you can donate here -> to grow them bigger

lastly, I will try to do the next part within 2 or 3 days. Try be the operative word. Woo boy am I off schedule.

model credits:
Incinroar - model by :icondigitalfurbelow:, species by nintendo, character by ???
Bolide - model by :iconbpanthress:, species by nintendo, character by :iconBorusa-Ryalam:
Dimitri the Inteleon - model by :iconbpanthress:, species by nintendo, character by :iconBorusa-ryalam: and :icondraco-rex:
Yin & Yang - model by :iconLeviathandragonflyer:, tweaks by :icondraco-rex:, characters by :icondarcell1291:
Renadude - model by :icondigitalfurbelow:, species by Bandai, character by :icondigitalfurbelow:
Agent shark - model by :icondigitalfurbelow:, tweaks by :icondraco-rex:. species by Bandai, character by :iconagentshark:
Jose - model by :icondraco-rex:, character by Jose
Shelby - model by :icondigitalfurbelow:, major edits by :icondraco-rex:, armor by Bandai, species by Bandai, character by :iconshelby1995mkii:
backdrop by :icondraco-rex:

should the guy in last place get a last place growth bonus?

lastly, got a few bonus pictures to share, will upload tomorrow

Submission Information

Visual / Digital