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The Interview by Doodlepad

The Interview



1) Choose 4 of your OCs.

2) Make your OCs answer these questions

3) Tag 3 other people (If you want to, do it. It's too long for me to tag with any seriousness.)

4) Add one question of your own

The Characters I picked are from Left to right: Resed, Ayden, Grentyl and Hazel

1) Do you want a hug?

Resed: P-pardon? I uh, er suppose. Is that necessary?

Ayden: Sure but you have to do the spirit of the troll dance with me first!

Hazel: (Closes her eyes lazily)

Grentyl: No.

2) Say your age first.

Resed: Forty eight.

Ayden: Nuh uh!

Resed: Why Nuh uh? What’s the Nuh uh for?

Ayden: You don’t look that old!

Grentyl: That’s what happens when you go necromancer, your body preserves itself with formaldehyde. That’s why he doesn’t age, but looks sick all the time.

Resed: … thanks Grentyl.

Ayden: I’m ten! Maybe, or eleven…eleven and a half! Wait Hazel how old am I?

Grentyl: Do you have ball hair yet?

Ayden: No.

Grentyl: Then you are a Pup so it doesn’t matter.

Ayden: I don’t think I want ball hair…Hazel how old are you?

Hazel: (Signs twenty)

Grentyl: Twenty nine this winter.

3) Height?

Resed: Right, well I’m rather tall. I believe about six feet four inches at least. Makes crawling around in tombs difficult, and it makes shorter people nervous.

Grentyl: Your smell makes people nervous.

Resed: Once again thank you Grentyl for your insight.

Ayden: Heck if I know, but I grew a few inches since last summer!

Hazel: (Shrugs her shoulders)

Grentyl: What kind of question is that to ask us? We’re druids. We don't bother measuring how tall we are.

Resed: Hazel is probably close to five feet nine or ten inches. She’s rather tall for a woman and our friend Grentyl here is probably an inch or two taller than her. Ayden has reached five feet and then some or so I would guess.

Now if you consider Hazel and Grentyl in their various animal forms Hazel as a deer stands around-

Grentyl: Resed!

Resed: Right.

4) Are you a virgin?

Resed: (Cheeks Color)

Ayden: What’s a virgin?

Grentyl: You’re a virgin.

Ayden: How do you know?

Grentyl: Just know. Oh and Resed’s a virgin too.

Resed: Not exactly…

Grentyl: …

Resed: I’m not! I’ve had many uh…encounters in my time.

Grentyl: …

Resed: Why is that so hard to believe?

Grentyl: You’re just really uptight. You have to be able to relax for it to work.

Ayden: What are we talking about?

Hazel: (Looks at Ayden and signs “sex”)

Ayden: What does that have to do with being a virgin?

Grentyl: You have to have sex to not be a virgin.

Ayden: Resed! you had sex?

Resed: Yes yes I have had sex! More than once! Now may we move on to the next question?

Ayden: With a man or woman?

Resed: (Colors) Can we move on to the next question?

Grentyl: Well I'm not a virgin.

Hazel: (Signs “Me Neither”)

Ayden: Hazel you’ve had sex?

Hazel: Yep.

Ayden: Wow! with who?

Grentyl: Yeah with who?!

Hazel: Resed.

Resed: (chokes on his tea)

Grentyl: WHAT!

Hazel: (laughs)

Grentyl: Are you serious? You’re lying right! Resed?!

5) Do you have any kids?

Resed: None of us have children.

Ayden: Me I'm your children!

Grentyl: Ayden is our pup now.

6) What is your favorite food or drink?

Resed: I’ve tasted many a delight in my lifetime but I’ve most enjoyed rhubarb tart.

Ayden: Candy and sweet bread, and honey and Winstess Goose and lamb stew and-

Grentyl: Sheep. (Grins).

Hazel: Chicken!

Ayden: You don’t eat meat.

Grentyl: Pain in the ass traveling with someone who won’t eat a damn thing and now you say you like chicken?!

Hazel: Only when Resed cooks it.

Resed: Thank you my dear. Most happy that you enjoy my rare bits of cooking.

Grentyl: Why won’t you eat my chicken? What’s wrong with the way I cook chicken?

7) Have you killed anyone?

Resed: I’m a necromancer. It’s in the job description.

Ayden: I’ve hurt people… I don’t know if any of them died afterward.

Grentyl: I’ve killed.

Hazel: (Nods her head)

8) Do you hate anyone?

Resed: Er…well that is a negative question isn’t it?

Ayden: I hate the men who took my family away from me. But if it weren’t for them, I’d never met Hazel or the trolls or any of the people I love now. I hate them, but I don’t.

Grentyl: I hate a certain cousin of mine. (Lifts his right hand, missing a ring finger.)

Hazel: I hate the men who took Ayden and Grentyl away from me.

9) Do you love anyone?

Resed: Doesn’t everybody? I have many people who I love, though I miss my sister the most.

Ayden: I love Hazel! She’s my sister and best friend.

Grentyl: My Pack.

Resed: Hmm just your Pack?

Ayden: Admit it you love Hazel too! Admit it admit it! I won’t stop saying admit it till you do. Admit it, admit it, admit it, admit it-

Grentyl: Okay……As a friend.

Ayden: Grentyl loves us! But He loves Hazel the most.

Grentyl: Grrrr...

Hazel: (Kisses Grentyl’s hand)

10) What is your job?

Resed: Well as a Necromancer I have many occupations. I spend most of my time studying the fundamental elements of necromantic magic and it’s effects on deceased material. When I’m running low on funds I do a little freelance demon removal with the help of Grentyl here. Oh but I most enjoy the treasure hunting. There are so many fascinating artifacts with untold secrets.

Ayden: You have a lot of artifacts.

Resed: I’m a collector of knowledge.

Grentyl: A hoarder more like.

Resed: Oh ho! Don’t start lecturing me! You of all people should talk. You have a fancy for jewelry.

Grentyl: (Death Glares)

Resed: What are those on your ears?

Grentyl: The trinkets from my first murder. (Glares as he fiddles with his earings)

Resed: You have a stash of jewels you keep in a bag, ladies jewels no less. What would a druid like you need with a ladies necklace hmm?

Ayden: He wraps them up in his hair see (Grabs a dread with a gold necklace entwined in it)

Resed: How vain…

Grentyl: I’m not ashamed.

Resed: All right what is everybody else’s occupation?

Ayden: I’m a hunter!

Grentyl: I’m the leader of the pack, protector of the family and I teach the pup here how to be a real wolf.

Hazel: (Signs “I keep Grentyl from hurting people and I keep Ayden from dying”)

11) What is your favorite season?

Resed: I have no preference for season though my magic is most efficient during the fall and winter seasons, something that has puzzled me for a long time. I can’t quite find the correlation, though I’ve had no time to really study it.

Ayden: I like the summer for swimming, but in winter you can go buckling!

Resed: Buckling?

Ayden: Yeah Hazel and I use bucklers to slide down hills! You know the old ones Edandyll keeps in his shed. Rosin is the best at it. If you want to see a dwarf move fast!

Grentyl: Hmmm Winter makes for tired and weary prey.

Hazel: (Signs "Creeper")

Grentyl: I understand your hands Hazel. Just answer the damn question.

Hazel: Winter.

Grentyl: You don't like winter. You hate winter!

Hazel: Why?

Grentyl: Because you can't eat your damn raspberries in Winter and you bitch about it.

Hazel: (signs: "Grump")

12) Who's your best friend?

Resed: Besides Rukruk, Grentyl is the first person to have ever enjoyed my company. I’ve had a lot fun demon hunting with him.

Grentyl: I agree with Bones this time.

Ayden: I have a lot of best friends. I guess if you don’t count Hazel, then Rett is my best friend. But I really like Adike, and Styxx and and…I dunno. I have a lot of best friends.

Hazel: Rosin kicks Grentyl’s butt. I like her.

13) Do you have any hobbies?

Resed: All my time is devoted to the necromancy art. I uh haven’t had much time for anything else. I used to be a dancer, but it’s a terrible sight to see.

Ayden: I really like drawing. If you like, I have a whole bunch of books Edandyll let me draw and color in. I can show them to you! I also like carving things out of wood, I made Hazel a Deer!

Grentyl: Making hunting tools the way my grandfather did. Ayden’s teaching me wood carving. When the slavers took me, I learned how t

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