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Orkesstra the Executioner (2015 - Current) by DoNotDelete

Orkesstra the Executioner (2015 - Current)


Orkesstra's colour scheme up until now had an underlying problem which had really been bugging me - her more colourful designs were interesting enough but she was looking less and less like an orca - a killer whale.

Eventually I figured out this problem was down to me covering up her dark skin with vibrant coral-coloured armour - once I came to the (now obvious) solution of making the bio-armour itself black/dark coloured her design came together in a way that made much, much more sense.

Also - in a fleeting moment of epiphany - I made a connection between killer whales and executioners. This helped inform a lot of decisions about Orkesstra's design here - the most important feature probably being Orkesstra's 'cowl-like' mask (Executioners often wearing a cowl or hood to hide their identity).

Her armour still retracts/pulls away from her body if she needs it to - her bare belly is actually white in colour - like the exposed parts of her face and neck. It's only with this design that I fully overcame my apprehension about covering up Orkesstra's belly - and she is better for it all-round for it.

Other important/noteworthy features: Devil-like inverted tail; Feathery (osmotic gill) accents; Resonating crest and dorsal resonating tubules (extending out from Orkesstra's back); Flechette cannon; Detachable 'bio axe' melee weapon; 'Pearl of Echoes' - biocomputer/bionavigation device tied directly into Orkesstra's nervous system.

For all intents and purposes this should be considered Orkesstra's final/current design. I can't forsee me needing to alter/update this design too much from what you see here.

Orkesstra is ™ and © David Nathan Dawkins.
Character Concept and Design ™ and © David Nathan Dawkins.
Artwork © David Nathan Dawkins.

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Visual / Digital