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Fennec Mania 02 (WARNING: Contains More Fennecs Thank You May Expect) by Dodge_Fennec

Fennec Mania 02 (WARNING: Contains More Fennecs Thank You May Expect)


--Original Submission to Furaffinity 22nd Oct 2011--
What ho everyone!
I have spent another week toiling in the bowels of my warped sub conscious to conjure up a second band of cos-paly Fennec Mania

The rules are a little different this time.

On the sheet above you will see 31 Fennecs/Scenes (this Fennec Mania continues on from last time so the numbers begin from 27) and for each answer there are TWO Point available.

Last time I let people get away with just the name of the show/film/game but this time I'm being a little more connoisseur-esque about things.
So, for each Fennec/Scene number, I want the name of the Character my Fursona is dressed up as along with the name of the TV Show/Film/Game/Program etc.

I WAS INTENDING TO GO UNTIL FRIDAY BUT Foz just stormed in and got every single answer correct. So there really is little point leaving this open any longer as nobody else can win :S
So congrats to Foz

Please find the full list of answers filled in below:

  1. Captain Planet - Captain Planet & the Planeteers
  2. Scott Pilgrim - Scott Pilgrim Vs the World
  3. Professor Hershel Layton - The Professor Layton Game Series
  4. L - Deathnote
  5. Pacman & Blinkey - Pacman
  6. Brian Griffin - Family Guy
  7. Ben Tennyson - Ben 10
  8. Mr Spock - Star Trek
  9. Roger Rabbit - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
  10. Jack Skellington - The Nightmare before Christmas
  11. Wile E Coyote & Roadrunner - Looney Tunes
  12. Dexter Morgan - Dexter
  13. Anung Un Rama aka Hellboy - Hellboy
  14. Darth Maul - Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace
  15. Walter Joseph Kovacs aka Rorschach - Watchmen
  16. Babooyagoo The Green Man-Witch aka The Hitcher - The Mighty Boosh
  17. Murphy aka Robocop - Robocop
  18. Jareth The Goblin King - Labrynth
  19. The T-1000 - Terminator 2 Judgement Day
  20. Stephen Fry - QI
  21. Captain Jack Sparrow - Pirate of the Caribbean
  22. Lord Dark Helmet - Spaceballs
  23. Donatello - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  24. Ace Ventura Pet Detective - Ace Ventura Films/TV Show
  25. Freddy Kruger - A Nightmare on Elm Street Series
  26. The Predator - Predator Series of Movies
  27. V - V for Vendetta
  28. Dave Lizewski aka Kick Ass - Kick Ass
  29. Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice
  30. Syndrome - The Incredibles
  31. Yahtzee Croshaw - Zero Punctuation
  32. Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg - The Fifth Element

Congrats to everyone who took part and did so well. Don't think I've had a 100% success rate before ^^
There will be a new Fennec Mania up in the next week or so.

Be well everyone ^^

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    How do you think of all these characters ? And more imrpotantly, how does Dodge has all these costumes and where does he store them? :)