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AoB: Writer of Destiny by DNLtiger

AoB: Writer of Destiny


The Cosmic Bard - A mysterious, ancient entity of vast knowledge and power. It is unclear if he is a very powerful god or just an entity of some kind. Some refer to him as the Chronicler, the Great Author, or the Writer of the Universe. It is said the Cosmic Bard knows everything that was, is, or will be. He is the writer of people’s lives, their trials and tribulations, every decision they make, is written in their own private book in his vast planar library. Some say that he existed before the universe came into being and that he will be there when universe ends. Some people worship the Bard, making offerings and shrines, though his god status is questionable. It is said that even the gods refer to him on their decisions though not often.

A look at one of the deities of Bernard’s universe. Somewhat done as an homage to myself and the Chronicler from the Legend of Spyro trilogy. The Cosmic Bard is a mysterious entity who has his hand in nearly everything in the universe and sometimes the multiverse as well. Please Enjoy.

Adventures of Bernard, Cosmic Bard©Me

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