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State of the skunkie picture blog by Depeasee

State of the skunkie picture blog


I've had this character as an avatar and representative of myself online since 1994, originally for IRC furry chat back when a large part of the furry community lived on IRC. Originally, Tansil was a "negaskunk", the traditional skunk fur black and white coloration was swapped, not a terribly original concept in itself. It wasn't long when drawing the character came to mind that I decided that I was already killing off enough photocopier toner cartridges, so I changed the coloration to something greyscale like a silver fox, but a skunk instead and have kept that fur coloration since then. For those who are wondering, I don't expect to change much but I am doodling around for and updated avatar and haven't settled on anything yet. This scrtibble is another digital practice bit and I'm beginning to find out how layers can make the work easier and add effects too, but my skills are very limited to basic paint stuff at this time.


I think I may have your attention, so here I'm going to mention that in the interest of keeping things interesting enough to be interested in drawing, I'll be spending a bit of time doing lots of preggy stuff. May as well give you parabolic reproductive shapes fans something to look at while I learn. Otherwise, nothing special.

Not much more to say related this pic, so I'm off, and not unlike the leftovers in my fridge.

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Visual / Digital