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Valkeri Sorceress by demonskunk

Valkeri Sorceress


So, I was this chick in a dream, being a sorceress badass, flying around with magic, probably summoning things, and being kind of a bitch.

So, I drew her, and now she's going to be a wayfarer race :T
Their culture is somewhat warlike - they idolize strength and martial prowess over other achievements, and they love to show it. Their society doesn't draw a line between male and female - your strength, ability and usefulness are the only things that matter.

Conquests in the bedroom (or a tent, field, forest, burning throne room, etc) are just as valid as conquests on the battlefield, with no traditional mated pairs, and more of a 'free love' mentality.

Leaders are most frequently hermaphrodites, as they represent both the male and female half of the society, and since only the greatest warriors can become leaders, they literally represent all the best of their society. They're not big on outsiders in their cities, but if they're strong warriors, they're welcomed.

Given their love of combat, they're also known for causing trouble for nearby settlements, though if one can prove that they're just as strong, they'll be left alone... or at very least only be bothered when the Valkeri want to throw a tournament.

This gal is a sorceress - her gauntlet and the gem on her forehead are both magical foci, enabling her to focus her already substantial magical prowess into truly horrifying levels of power.

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Visual / Digital