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character development / redraw meme by deerling

character development / redraw meme



it's really sad that i don't really see much improvement ?? the new one is a bit brighter and that's about it lmao
chi's design honestly hasn't changed at all- i've tweaked the colour palette a few times if anything

but oh my god the description in the old one:
"she's very delicate and shy. the wings on her cloak unfurl to keep her warm/hide her, but usually just sit folded up like a real bird’s would.
she’s partially mute, meaning she doesn’t talk, but still laughs/cries/and occasionally makes bird sounds. she can mimic things if she really wants to but can’t form a sentence on her own."

whereas now shes like
the snarkiest sassiest bitch
literally does not stop talking ever

i dont have anything else to say here but i am disappointed in myself -__-

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    I see the improvement! The anatomy is SO much better, the colors are more fluid and realistic. Your style has changed a lot, the lines look less flat, and your expressions are much better. The ears particularly are my favorite. It takes some people longer for improvement, some people less. Just work at your own pace and practice what you think you're bad at til you are happy with it. Try different programs, different styles, all that! Just keep working and never give up on it if its what you love! :)

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      gosh, thank you so much! ;; i'm so flattered omg
      i think i'm just disappointed that it's taken 2 years to only improve this much? comparing work from 2010 to 2011 there was this huge leap of improvement, and now i feel like it's slowing ;;

      • Link

        If you think you are slowing down in progress, I suggest looking up tutorials, and changing mediums, try different styles, move between mediums and all that. Maybe try a different style of paw, or try new ways of coloring. Try out trials of some other programs. Look at photos and get inspiration for poses/colors. there is a lot of things you can do to help out with the growing process. I'm in that process rn. I don't feel so good about my art, but I'm working towards getting where I want to be. Sometimes my work is really awesome and I love it, othertimes I look at it and realize it sucks. But I don't stop drawing because I really need the practice and I need to get over my shortcomings. And there is not way to do that without working on them yaknow?