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-DTA- Bowcracker by Deerblinks

-DTA- Bowcracker


Name: Lena (Illustrious in Norwegian)
Gender: Female
Personality: Cheerful, optimistic, stubborn
Likes: Peppermint Mochas, buttercream candies, being silly, playing with children, napping by fireplaces, spreading cheerfulness
Dislikes: Being sick, seeing others sad, pessimism

There is said to be a small village tucked away in Norwegian forests that's the home of a special, mythical creature called a Bowcracker. This little creature is said to bring happiness and cheer wherever she goes, giving gifts and playing with the little children of tired adults. This bowcracker is often called the Saint of Joy, or the Harbinger of Happiness.

Every daybreak, this little angel romps around neighboring villages and cities to bring happiness and cheer to all those who deserve it. She loves to play with children; often partaking in snowball fights, playing hide and seek, and playing innocent pranks on other adults. When the sun finally sets on the day, Lena will help the little ones home and lay in front of the fireplace to help them sleep. Before she leaves to a new town, she will reach from the concentrated happiness that resides in her and give the town she stayed in a guaranteed year of happiness and prosperity. The next morning, the villagers would come outside and see the ground garnished with the powdery, buttercream-scented dust from the little bowcracker and know that they were blessed for the year to come.

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