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OC's Through The Ages (Big File Beware!) by Deaglen

OC's Through The Ages (Big File Beware!)


Sorry for the massive file, but I wanted you all to experience this train wreck in all it's glory!

1) First human OC! I don't actually have an image of my very first OC anymore, but I remember it was a white wolf with angel wings named Link. (So original ikr) But yeah this is CHIP, what a great name right? Like them clogs? I couldn't draw shoes... I also drew everyone's thumbs on the wrong side and had to go back and redraw them all as a kid.

2) First furry? I literally just took Becky Thatcher from furry Tom Sawyer and made her Chips' Waifu.

3) Not sure who this was, but I know they were drawn when Lilo and Stitch came out so I assume they're a super powerful alien. Chose to include this cos my love of GIANT ARMS has been present since I was a wee bab.

4) Chip's son... Chippy... I wrote and illustrated two books about these motherfuckers.

5) Ahh yes the weeabo phase really begins. I never played Tales of Symphonia, but I sure as heck liked to steal their designs! This was "White Ribbons Ko" and one the cover of this thing it actually says "If you believe in magic then this is a true story".

6) This was a short illustrated book about an alien boy named Ryjie who was super fast and could eat anything? Specifically he really liked titanium??? He lived in Tokyo of course. I got all my names for this from the Animal Crossing credits.

7+8) Ahh yes, the days when I wanted to be a "real mangaka and move to Japan!!!" I wrote FIVE volumes of this furry monstrosity; Hiroyuki. I might even scan them they're so fucking funny and bad. From what I remember it was basically like Pokemon, but with wolves? Also dragons.

9) The vampire days begin! Lots of spiked collars, arm warmers, black and red, and shitty lyrics all over my sketchbooks. This character is named Dante, and he was originally a side character, but grew to be my favorite over the next few years. He started out as a mad doctor and somehow evolved into "The Chosen One".

10) WHAT IS THAT HAIR??? This character was named Lloyd (which I often misspelled as Llyod) and he was the side kick to the next character on the list. That's about it.

11) This was my main man for awhile. His name was Bono and he was a totally c-c-c-crazy super strong awesome vampire guy that played guitar, partied every night, and got all the babes. So basically Dante from Devil May Cry. He had to wear arm warmers because he had two permanent wounds on his hands that bled rose petals.

12) Discovering my gayness. Wish I had more art of this character because their story was especially stupid. His name was Sin and he was a dude who committed suicide and went to hell. He met his brother there; an angel named Palmax(?) Somehow they ended up having an incestuous relationship. I have no clue where this came from.... possibly Angel's Sanctuary?

13) First furry I drew once I became a member of FA. Pachino. No real backstory, just cute vague cat/lemur thing.

14) This character is actually older than the vampire squad, but he's been through so many makeovers I didn't know which images to include. His name is Nicodemus, and I'm still working on everything about him. I assure you he doesn't look like an SMT Nocturne clone anymore though. T -T;

15) Dante again! I drew this guy on and off for several years! By the end he was a weird nega-vampire that needed sunlight to live, was the son of a god, and basically had no personality. None of my characters did at the time.

16) Wyatt, crazy demon doctor guy. I really have a thing for the evil doctor trope... He started as a crazy human guy, and then I just made him a demon for some reason?

17) Obligatory sparkle cat. Was basically doing nothing but ripping Jubilations and Vani through this period. I may redraw this guy cos BIG ARMS.

18) Remember that one time when everyone was really into the 1920's? Yeah I didn't escape that either...

19) This is the first character I made that I'm not ashamed of. In fact, I still really like him! His name is Chaplan and he's a Harry Potter OC. Hufflepuff for life! >:O (Next to him is Clam's character Winnie!) I drew them in those outfits for the polyvore challenge lol

20) More furry blandness: Maxxie the shota sheep. Nothing else to say.

21) Monster thing and first submission to FA. At the time I honestly didn't know what a Sergal was, so when my friends saw it and asked about it I was so confused. I thought I wasn't hearing them right. Like lol what was that? A nergile?

22) Hawthorne! Curly nosed monster boy from the forests of where ever pine trees grow! Starting to get into more recent territory now.

23) Okay I think it's pretty obvious by now I don't really put a lot of thought into my furry characters and I make them purely for the designs/porn. This is Jack Lee Tyler. His name has a funny story behind it, but that's for another day.

24) Deaglen! My official fursona/mascot!

25) Short lived Weasyl mascot, Palladio. I still really like him, but I hate getting the "Looks like ___" comments so I decided I'd just trash him.

26) Adagio, seahorse/swan hybrid. There's an updated version in my gallery, they're now my dragon sona.

27) Hospice. Fan character for the Antler's album of the same name. I really love this character, and still really love The Antlers. They are easily one of my favorite bands and I'm so excited for their new album!!

28-31) Clam and I made these characters together. Looking back it really shows me what I've kept and let go of over the years in terms of style and interests. Most of these characters are just remolds of old ones with better designs+ better character development. There's so much I want to say about them, but this is already really long so I'll leave it at that.

32-33) End of the line. First separate project since meeting Clam! * U* Onward to bigger and better characters and art!!!

Submission Information

Visual / Other


  • Link

    It's crazy (and cool) to see the spots where you art was taking big jumps as far as style and skill. I always like when artists do these 'looking back' things.

    3 is my favorite and I really think you should bring them back.
    28 is my for real favorite, though.
    And 31/32. There's a bit of a pattern here...