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Kaida Varga by DarthKriddles

Kaida Varga


drawn by: weebzy

Bounty Hunter Profile

Name: Kaida Varga (Ky-duh, Var-guh)

Nickname(s): Kaid, Kai

Species: Chaagra (Shaw-Gruh)

Age: 20 Human Years

Gender: Female

Rank: (Neutral) Bounty Hunter

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Love Interest: Cad Bane

Love Interest AU: Bossk

Original Love Interest: Mamun Lasoo

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 235lbs

Body Type: Broad Shoulders w/ wide hips; hourglass figure.

Eye Color: Greenish Turquoise

Skin Color/Pattern: The base color is like human flesh, while a dark brown stripe separates a paler ash color that covers the lower jaw, second set of underarms, belly, and back of legs. She also has splotches of dark/forest green on her upper arms and back; a green stripe under each eye.

Hair Color: Terra Cotta/Red

Scar(s): Blaster-shot scar on her right shoulder.

Piercing(s): Lower Lip

Tattoo(s): Gundark Tattoo over the scar on her right shoulder

Special Skill(s): Skilled Marksman

Disadvantage(s): Naivete, Stubbornness, Laziness, nosiness, Self Centeredness, Weight Gain.

Fear: Loss of her sister.

Weapon(s): blasters

Force Sensitive(?): Yes

Notable Phrase: “There's a story behind every person, a reason why they are the way they are so, think about that before you judge someone.”

Theme Song: Skillet-Good To Be Alive

Bounty Hunter Theme: Breakdown-Breaking Benjamin or I Will Not Bow-Breaking Benjamin (acoustic)

Personality: With a tendency to get bored easily, it’s never a surprise when people find Kaida nearby being nosey about their business. Her curious nature is only matched by her persistence and determination, and if there is something that she wants to know or get her hands on, she will find a way to do it. There are times where she can be bossy, but she means well and can sometimes have a humorous side to her. One of the things she’s bound to do is argue with someone--if she feels she’s right, she’ll argue her point until the other person either gives up or someone else points out a flaw in her logic. Her impulsive nature can cause her to jump right into things without thinking, but she is an incredibly trustworthy person and will give her all to do what she feels is right. She’s extremely loyal, and will do whatever she can to please, even if it means harming or even killing somebody to get rewarded.

Random:-She easily gets sinus congestion, which is a major threat to her training.

-Her innards are flesh colored, just as her skin-or pinker-not green.

-She wears the chest plate/back armor because she has fears of being shot in the back again.

-She sports a Gundark tattoo on her shoulder. She feels a strong spiritual connection with the beast.

Backstory: Coming Soon~!

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Visual / Traditional