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So quiet in her still reflection (by Sinnamon-Bun) by dark_nz

So quiet in her still reflection (by Sinnamon-Bun)


Past the guards to the forest
So quiet in her still reflection
Drawing them down, drawing them down to the lake
To the centre of her attention

Custom Rift Weaver adopt by the sensational Sinnamon-Bun
Original at:
Species info:

New character get!

Name: Sif
Species: Rift Weaver
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Occupation: Apothecary
Her void eyes and fluff are in constant motion looking like a rippling surface of a lake with a forest reflected in it.

Sif is very shy and mostly likes to keep to herself. She lives in a small cottage designed to blend into the dense forest that it is embedded in, but runs a little apothecary in a small village a few miles away on the edge of the forest and nearby lake.

She makes good use of the natural resources around her home in creating remedies for her apothecary. Plants and mosses and fungi from the forest itself, water-weeds and algaes from the nearby lake and fresh mineral rich water from the streams that flow from it. She also collects pollen and honey from her personal apiary behind her cottage.

Aside from using her rift webbing to commute between her cottage and the village, she also weaves her rift webbing into dream-catcher like objects of various sizes. She then hangs the mini rift webs in strategic places around her cottage for accessing remote storage spaces more easily. For instance one hanging in her kitchen she might activate to access a sealed underground storage buried beneath the nearby stream which gives it natural refridgeration.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital