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Regret - By O-Ruff by darkflamewolf

Regret - By O-Ruff


There have been decisions Taylor has regretted. One of the most key decisions she made that she could not take back and has haunted her to this very day is the decision to leave her parents during her turbulent teenage years. When her mother was diagnosed with a unknown, terminal cancer and her parents setting up a new home to transfer her to when she passed - it set off an inner rage and anger. She felt like she was being abandoned by both parents and the fact she could do nothing to stop the inevitable with her mother spurred her to run away. It was one of the worst decisions she could have made. She was not there at the moment of her mother's death, when she probably was needed the most - to say the things she needed to say to her. Clutching the picture of her mother tightly in her hand, she lamented her own decisions as she stared at the picture - the last piece of her mother that she had left.

Artist: O-Ruff -

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Visual / Digital


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    I guess cancer is a multiversal constant. even the benign versions are damaging, i myself had one removed in 2008.

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      I know what her mother's cancer originated from, but since I am currently writing her story/novel which will go into detail on that down the road, I dare not spoil it here. Either way, her mom dies unfortunately and it does set off a course of events which lead Taylor to where we find her at the start of her first book.