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The Meeting by DarkBearmon (critique requested)

The Meeting

Chapter 1

“ WATCH OUT!!”, yelled DJ to his dragon friend Kuro. He dodged the monstrous attack from their enemy , “Astro, Dexter, take Symone outta here me an' Kuro got this.” “You sure about that DJ ?”, asked Astro. “YES!! Now get your ass out of here now.” After they left the giant creature was coming at Kuro and DJ . “You ready, 'bear cub'.” “Only if you are 'little beast'. After their quick little talk they looked at the monster then each other, K uro's keyblade in his hand and DJ using his spiked fighting gloves.

4 days earlier


“ DJ !!!”, yelled a A gumon.

“ Yo, w h at do y ou want Astro?”, DJ said as he awoke in hi s bed made of straw and some leaves. He and Astro (the agumon) lived in a big hut with three rooms. Astro had a blue wristband around his arm and a scar across his left eye . The third one belonged to their other friend Dexter , an A rmadillomon who sported a small pair of glasses . DJ 's outfit consisted of a red bandana on his head and black spiked gloves on his hands he mainly used for fighting .

“ Get your ass up, dont you have work in like 45 minutes.”, he said with a stern look of anger on his face.

“ That ol' Digitamamom can wait.”, I said as I tried to go back to sleep.

“ Well the rent wont wait so get your ass up and go to fucking work”

“ Fine, shit man get off my fucking back already.”, DJ s aid as he got up to go to work, “ You better go to work too Astro. Dexters already gone to work .”

“ Ive already went to work , I get off at 2pm.”, said Astro in a smartassed tone.

“ Bye .”, said DJ as he walked out the door. On the way one of the leather straps on the wrist of his paw s was loose so he started to fix it while walking, not wanting to be late for work. -WHAM- “ Ow, damn that hurt. Are you OK.”, he asked the digimon he painfully slammed into, which turned out to be a pretty cute biyomon. “Oh yea, im fine.”, she said picking up a bunch of loose papers she dropped. “ Lemme help you out.”, he started to help when she started up a conversation. “So whats your name?” “Oh my names DJ , yours?”, he replied back. “My names Symone nice to meet you DJ . So w h ere are you going?” They were done picking up the papers and now were just standing there talking. “Work. I work at the Digitamamom Diner. OH FUCK THE DIGITAMAMON DINER !!! Ill talk to ya later, if im late ill get fired.”

“ He has one minute to get here or he's outta here!”, yelled digitamamon the owner of DJ 's work place. Then there was a loud clang a s he burst th rou gh the door. “ DJ !! I NEEDED YOU 20 MINUTES AGO!! YOU BETTER BE READY TO WORK SOME OVERTIME!!”, said his boss Joe .

4 hours later

“ Oh my aching paws”, Joe had him working nonstop no-breaks since he was late. He just wanted to get home and lay in my bed. He opened the door to the hut trying not to wake up Dex or Astro. Quietly sneaking into his room covered in darkness, DJ layed atop his bed happy to feel all its comfortable features. Nice, soft, fluffy...........................................scalie? “ DJ ? DJ , c ome here.”, Astro whispered through DJ's door. DJ slowly and quietly walked outside his room to see Astro s tanding next to the front door . “What the fuck is wrong with my bed Astro !?!?!”, he shouted at the top of his lungs . “SSSSHHHH!! You ' ll wake him up” “Who? Dexter?” “No. The guy in your bed .” “THE GUY IN MY WHAT NOW!!!”, he screamed as he ran into his room and felt around the straw of his bed but found that the scalie thing wasnt there anymore. 'what the hell', he thought as he walked back to the kitchen. Suddenly he found a long dark sword like object in his face. It had the appearance of a key and colored with a silver tip and a dark purple handle. In the center both of the colors met and faded into eachother. “ Where am I?”, asked what looked like a dragon. He wasnt a digimon , but what was he? “D- DJ .”, he looked around to where his name was called and found his friend Astro lying on the floor all bruised up. “ASTRO!!”, he started to run toward his wounded friend when he remembered the guy in between them . “Smart move. Now answer my question. Where am I?” , the dragon pronounced in a more angry tone. Not wanting to further anger him DJ turned to face him and answer his question. “Your in the digital world, home of every digimon ever named.” “Digital world?”, he said lowering his weapon. Seeing how the dragon had lowered his guard DJ balled up his fist and thrusted it at the dragon . In mid-stride the tiny spikes on his gloves got slightly bigger and more sharp . There was a loud clanging noise and a small flash as DJ's spikes and the dragons sword clashed. “Nice try but you'll have to do better than tiny knives .”, he smirked drawing back his blade and swinging at DJ . There was only enough time for DJ to put his hands up and block the attack . That not being enough, he was flung onto his back . “W hy did you bring me here!? ”, he yelled pointing the tip of his sword in DJs face. “ Bring you here? I don't even KNOW you. Why would I bring you here? ” The dragons face suddenly changed from angry to shocked "What ? Then who brought me here then ?”, he asked while letting DJ get up. “How d id you get here then ?”, DJ asked ready to defend hims elf in case he tried to go in for another attack. " I don't know . I was just sitting in my room on my computer and suddenly I heard a voice and my screen lit up and I got sucked in. Next thing I know I'm laying on leaves hearing you and your fri e nd argue . ”, the large dragon said still looking baffled as to why he was here . “A Digital Gate .”, DJ informed the dragon. "Its a portal between the digital world and human world but somehow......someone opened the gate from here . ", questioned an astonished DJ. There was a sudden silence between the two . " Obviously I'm not from the human world so wh o or what brought me here? ", asked the dragon. "I....I have an idea.", they both turned to see a still injured and bleeding Astro, "How s about you take me to a medic and discuss this crap later." Without any hesitation DJ ran to his friends side, "Dude are you alright?" "Well if badly beaten and bleeding terribly is ok, then im picture perfect buddy.", replied Astro trying his best not to pass-out on the spot. DJ then made his gloves go back to normal and pick ed up his nearly unconscious friend. "Come on dude, you need a medic before you bleed out." The dragon couldn't help but stare as DJ carried his friend towards the door. "You know it isn't very smart to turn your back on your opponent." All DJ did was smile at the dragon and say, "Not if he doesn't want to be your opponent in the first place and if he is just scared of the native land he was forcefully brought to." Yet again the dragon could only stare at him. "Well", DJ motioned towards him, "Come on then. You shouldn't just sit around foreign territory all a lone. As long as you keep your sword sheathed and don't attack anyone you'll be fine." The dragon then walked to DJ and looked at him questionably then asked, "Why are you putting so much trust in me?" DJ gave him the exact same stare he was receiving before, " In actuallity I don't know myself. All I know is that you don't know anyone else here but me so far and whoever you may talk to might try to get you killed. Basically.....I'm your best bet." The dragon then smiled and somehow his weapon went away in a flash of light in his hand. Afterwards he said, "I like you already", he then extended his hand out to DJ, "I'm Kuro." DJ propped his friend piggy back onto him and held his black furry paw out and grabbed Kuro's. "I'm DJ, nice to meet you."

End of Chapter 1

The Meeting (critique requested)


The first of my series hope you enjoy. Also I need a ref sheet for my sona so if anyone is willing to help then I'd be very greatful.


DJ is my Fursona

Kuro is my friend alchemy205 on Furaffinity

Submission Information

Literary / Story