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Eridan/Russia brotp - First Encounters by DaniStrider (critique requested)

Eridan didn't know how he'd wound up on the beach in the first place as he woke up, pulling himself up from a sprawled position. All he knew was he sure as hell wasn't on Alternia anymore. And so he looked around constantly on edge with his deep purple eyes, finding himself with nothing to defend himself but what little unarmed fighting that he knew. Where'd his harpoon gun go, when he felt he needed it most? He was on the verge of tears from confusion and panic."wwhere the glubbin hell am i" He muttered to himself over and over, going into the salty waters as necessary to keep himself hydrated as he wandered along the shoreline, the sun setting behind him.

Ivan had come to the beach to relax after a long day in the World Meeting, when suddenly he heard and saw something rather unusual- a grey-skinned fish-man of some sort with deep purple eyes and swept back candy corn horns. He seemed rather lost and confused, and Ivan felt the need to help. "Calm down will you, da?" Ivan spoke calmly as possible, not even sure until he'd heard the other muttering that the other would understand him.

Eridan quickly noticed the other's light violet eyes, much like those of Rose. While he knew Humans had no such thing as a hemospectrum, it still calmed him somewhat to see a friendly face and he would treat the other kindly as he was being treated. "could you tell me wwhere i am and howw i got here" He replied, not nearly as anxious but still defensive. This could turn hostile at any time, far as he was concerned. And he didn't want to be caught off guard, especially when the other seemed rather big and strong.

"You are on Earth. In America, North Carolina near Jacksonville City, being specific." Ivan explained, tilting his head as he looked the other over curiously. "Am guessing you are not of this world?"

"no the place i knoww and lovve as my home is alternia" The troll stated, the webbed ears flattened against the sides of his heads relaxing and his body language becoming looser and more fluid as he relaxed some more. "my name is eridan ampora wwhat is yours"

Ivan extended a hand for the other to shake, smiling as he took it and they shook hands firmly yet gently. "I am Ivan Braginski." He was happy to see someone be accepting of him, perhaps they could be good friends- even if this strange fish man was obviously an alien of some sort.

Eridan/Russia brotp - First Encounters (critique requested)


I couldn't get the idea of this brotp out of my head and this resulted.

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Literary / Story