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Zimhunze the Bateleur Eagle by DancingVulture

Zimhunze the Bateleur Eagle


Zimhunze comes from the Savanna, where she swoops and glides for miles and miles through the air. While she prides herself on adorning herself with the hides of her prey, she also has a soft spot for shiny stones and beads. Zimhunze enjoys adorning herself with such pieces, often choosing to wrap them in leather scraps she scavenges and creating jewelry! This big bad raptor-lady is a no-nonsense kind of gal, preferring to show off her talons and aerial feats over conversation. Get yourself on her bad side, and it'll take quite a number of impressive, shiny stones to get out from under that angry eagle stare!
I actually made Zimhunze back in February, but was waiting for all this dang snow to melt before I took some nice outdoor photos and shared her! She's sittin' pretty here, but Zimhunze is completely pose-able from her wings, legs and arms, with some light movement in her neck area. Her body, wings, and tail are all needle-felted from wool, while her face, arms, and legs are all clay. I really loved making her, and I hope I can make a few more mixed media dolls through the year!
Find more pics and even purchase her in my shop!

Submission Information

Visual / Modeling / Sculpture


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    Oooh! She's gorgeous! I love how you did her neck! So fluffy!

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      Thank you so much!! :D I wanted to play a bit more with felting textures, and I'm happy with how it worked out! I can't get enough neck floof, haha.