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Alderdeen+Daemus - Full Color Portrait (Personal Art) by Daemus

Alderdeen+Daemus - Full Color Portrait (Personal Art)


This is a piece that means a lot to me personally because it's a depiction of how my beloved Alderdeen proposed to me not so long ago (well, not with all the sparkles, but dang it that's how I felt inside!)

He took me out for our usual weekly date night and said that we were going to go out for dinner and then go on the art walk, which is a thing our local art galleries do to showcase their stuff once a month, and they hand out cookies and juice and... anyways, it's not important >.< So we went out to dinner and the entire time Alder looked like he had ants in his pants over something, but all he'd say about it is that we had to be downtown by five o'clock.

Well, because we're... us, lol, we didn't get down to the place until about 5:45, but all things considered that was still good by our standards. Anyways though, he sits me down and goes off to get something and he comes back with gelato in his hand and puts it down in front of me. I didn't even see it at first and I was caught totally off guard when I looked down and there was a bright sparkly ring stuck in the top of it! I almost couldn't breathe, and I looked over and he was down on one knee and he picked up the bowl and asked me if I'd do the honor.

Happiest moment of my life.

I'm still not exactly sure why it had to be 5:00... but as usual he still pulled off something magical. ^_^

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    Awwww how cute!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations you two!!!!!!! ^^

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      ^_^ Hehe, thanks! <3

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    beautiful QwQ