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Butter meets Ephtiim by Daaberlicious

Butter meets Ephtiim


Of the lesser goddesses, Ephtiim's arguably the most important. Without her, the others can't get to enough people in time. Without her, they could not predict the future well enough to not mess up
catastrophically. Without her, there would be no "test runs" (multiple premonitions of where an action would lead), "copying and pasting" (Borrowing from Niema's own incredible power to obtain things or people from times that never were) force multiplying (Non paradoxically being next to their own past selves when an army is needed and angels won't cut it), or basically any goddessy well-timed well placed appearances and doings.

This makes her beyond busy though, and you can guarantee she'll tell just about anyone who has a minute to spare after she's worked 5 years to help everyone in the last one...
Butter is quite okay with listening for a while.

The 1st place raffle reward for wolfian on Deviant Art!
Why did I draw my own characters for this one though? Well, because he asked me to "Draw Butter meeting one of the goddesses not seen in the comic yet" and gave me an incredible amount of leeway.
I hope you're happy dude, because I pulled all the stops for this one! I was even careful to select a color palette of sorts to set the mood of the piece. I think it turned out well. :)

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