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space doggies by D00p

space doggies


here is a long ramble about these guys copypasted from tumblr that probably no one here will read!!!

All names are simply nicknames given by the other one/two.

Boss is an ex Betterobo employee, fired for fucking around with the machines, computers, robots etc for fun. He would often corrupt/sabotage computer software and machinery as a joke which inconvenienced and annoyed the other employees, as well as resulting in a few injuries. He was also a slacker in general, he got bored easily with building and working on other people’s designs and would often slack off to tinker with his own shit. He was fired and given a bad reputation after neglecting to fix something that resulted in the death of another employee.

Unable to find new work in his preferred field, Boss couch surfed for a while making petty cash by jailbreaking portable devices, ships, etc as well as doing repairs on Betterobo products. He got REALLY good at it, and was soon able to completely reprogram shit and add entirely new features onto various products. His secret “business” eventually got to the point where he was building small bombs and hacks to make ships suddenly fly off course or explode, and he had no qualms about aiding in the murder of whoever he was sabotaging.

Eventually one of his friends got pissed off at him over something and ratted out him and his entire business and livelihood to the authorities and Boss was arrested and thrown into Dodahan’s jail indefinitely.

Rat grew up as, his name half implies, a lab rat undergoing various mostly harmless experiments purely for the sake of MEDICAL SCIENCE. After reaching a certain age he was released, and shortly after he went and decided to become a pirate. He grew fairly close to his crew at the time, going above and beyond to look out for them. He lost his fucking arm in an accident looking after them.

So how do they repay him? By leaving him behind when things got too hot. Rat was a little slow getting to the ship so instead of waiting they took off without him, leaving him to get caught, arrested, and locked up (indefinitely). Any amount of affection Rat had for them was immediately switched out with murderous rage that festered inside him the entire time he spent in Dodahan’s jail.

Boss had been locked up there for a couple years by the time Rat showed up, the two of them immediately gravitated to each other and initially kinda bonded over racial/species similarity. They shared their stories and chatted a LOT whenever they had the chance. Mostly angry chats, about the people that fucked them over and just… people in general. Soon enough they vowed to each other to never turn on the other and break out and spend the rest of their lives fucking up AS MUCH SHIT and as MANY PEOPLE as possible, and then dying in a really cool explosion or something someday.

So they do! Boss’s smarts and familiarity with the jail and Rat’s rage fueled super power get them both their freedom in a very violent and ungraceful breakout. They need a ship to get them around on their journey of destruction, so they stop by a scrap yard and find an old broken down pidot. They patch him up and get him running and affectionately call him Scrap. Scrap is erratic, hyper, and not too bright, but he enjoys the destruction just as much as the other two.

Boss gets back to business with building DANGEROUS THINGS, they’ve got like a stockpile of bombs and rockets because Rat can’t wantonly use them up faster than Boss can make them. It’s a beautiful relationship and they’re very happy. :,) (Also Boss made Rat a new arm).

SO YEAH. Boss and Rat are total bros and have a grand old time robbing banks and other pirates and setting fires and blowing shit up wherever they go. Also I think it goes without saying that Rat’s old crew and the friend that ratted out Boss are long gone by now.

I’m fucking in love with these two.

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