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OC-tober Day 11 by D00p

OC-tober Day 11


This is Morgan King.

This is another character that’s sort of been all over the place over the years, I’ll try to put something coherent together to say about her. She’s from DeMel’s story.

Morgan is a noble with a younger and an older sister whom she lives with along with their father in a sort of mansion hidden among the wreckage of the deserted world. Since the disaster and the loss of their mother, Morgan’s family has pretty much locked itself away with the intent of living out their lives in luxury until society rebuilds itself or they all die. Whichever comes first. Morgan isn’t 100% okay with this but is fine to let her family do whatever they want, and is free to do whatever she wants

Morgan gets a serious case of stir craziness staying at home for so long and has taken to spending most of her time out. While not really the friendly type her main goal is to find other people for new company. She thoroughly scours old apartment buildings and houses for signs of life and reads every book she finds to absorb new information. She can be away from home for days or weeks at a time but tries to check back in regularly so as not to worry her family.

Morgan is poised and hard headed, speaking in a dry and serious manner. She’s hard to read and can be self centered and intimidating, but she can, eventually, open up to people. While she can stay calm in almost every situation possible she is not one to be fucked around with and will turn on/snap at literally anyone if they do her wrong. I wouldn’t say she’s completely untrusting, but she tends to put herself before others.

The flame on her head is part of a curse inherited from her parents. I doN’T KNow the details of this right now. The flame gives off mild heat and light that flares and dulls with her emotions. It’s not literal fire, it’s mostly ethereal and doesn’t burn and can’t really be touched. Everyone in her family has it.

Shadow is fucking infatuated with her. DeMel is too.

A song for her!

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