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Azrael reffsheet by ExtraterrestrialCelestial

Azrael reffsheet


I've never really made a ref sheet for Azrael so I figured it's time. I tried out a new brush for the sketch and it turned out pretty good I think.

I finally figured out his anatomy! his lower body is much bigger than his upper body.

-aside from the heterochromia on his arms he's perfectly symmetrical physically. he dislikes the mismatched eyes and will most likely pretend they're not there if you point them out

-the golden rings are 100% optional. the number is up to the artist. it ranges anywhere from 0-8.

-if he wheres all eight of the rings there would be one around his neck, one around the upper body's waist, two crossing the chest, one near his shoulder on each arm, and one around both ankles.

-the gold and silver eyes are usually only open while all the other eyes are closed but it's not a requirement. they can be open or closed and not affect the other eyes.