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Doodle-A whole garden by Creamecream

Doodle-A whole garden


"I grow rows and rows of roses,
Flor De Mayo, by the mile,
I make perfect, practiced poses,
So much hides behind my smile,
What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment?”
“Do you know where you’re going?
“What could I do if I just knew it didn’t need to be perfect?
It just needed to be, and they let me be?
A hurricane of jacarandas,
Strangling figs,”
“Hanging vines,”
“This is fine!”
“Palma De Cera fills the air as I climb, and I push through,
What else can I do?
Can I deliver us a river of Sundew?
Careful, it’s carnivorous,
A little just won’t do, I wanna feel the shiver of something new,
I’m so sick of pretty, I want something true, don’t you?”

Been thinking about this for quite a while, I finally drew it last night

I had so much I wanted to mention about this, but my head is very ick today, and talking is really hard
Blah, blah, blah, something about Alverio trying to be worthy of Nadia, compared to Lucio, an actual king, how does he compete with that? he's not perfect, and oops, that's what Nadia wants, her beautiful boi whom she loves so much

Callie is already Nadia's official consort, so Alverio wants ideas from them please, but also just weeks, and weeks, and months of trying to be perfect, oops, burst out into not perfect for a bit, something, something, something, meh, I don't know anymore

"What Else Can I Do?"-Encanto
The Apprentice-The Arcana
Calypso-@Berrisweet-Panda on Tumblr

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Visual / Digital