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Doodle-Go get him, boy by Creamecream

Doodle-Go get him, boy


"If you wanna be profound?
If you really gotta justify?
Take a breath and look around, a lot of folks deserve to die!”
“Wait a minute! wait a minute! that’s not a very nice thing to say!”
“But it’s true, ain’t it?”
“No! I don’t know anyone who deserves to get chopped up and fed to a hungry plant,”
“Sure you do...”
“Stupid woman! Christ! what a frickin’ scatterbrain!”
“I’m sorry, doctor! I’m sorry, doctor!”
“Now get the hell in there and pick up your goddamn sweater! you ditzy cow!”
“Yes doctor! right away, doctor! hi Seymour! I left my sweater here before-”
“C’mon! move it! you little slut! how do you like that stupid dame, forgets her frickin’ sweater? Christ, if your stupid head weren’t screwed on!”
“Orin, that hurt-”
“Move it!”
“If you wanna rational, it isn’t very hard to see,
Stop and think it over pal,
The guy sure looks like plant food to me,
The guy sure looks like plant food to me,
The guy sure looks like plant food to me!”
“He’s so nasty, treating her rough,”
“Smacking her around and always talking so tough,”
“You need blood and he’s got more than enough,”
“I need blood and he’s got more than enough,”
“You/I need blood and he’s got more than enough!”
“So go get it!”

Someone get her a dismembered sadistic dentist or a confused afraid old flower shop owner, she's hungry!
Her inner human-esc form is supposed to be wet but I didn't do that very well, sorry

I went overboard, but this was mainly a timewaster while I waited to play the new Genshin Impact update

I woke up really, really late, just have this Audrey 2, here she is, just take her

"Feed Me (Git It)" and Audrey 2-Little Shop of Horrors

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