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Doodle-Cozy unhappy songs by Creamecream

Doodle-Cozy unhappy songs


"My parent is the Star,
The cat arcane,
She gets excited when it starts to rain,
But planting, and planting, and planting's a pain!
Oh no,
(Oh no)
For their sixteenth birthday, my friends got a car,
I got a fern in some dumb mason jar,"
"Oh! my turn!
I'm a child of the World,
Arcane of the wild,
For those who love nature, they're often beguiled,
They aren't really my parent, but I'm sort of their child,
Oh no,
(Oh no)
They went for a hike to explore new frontiers,
And no one has seen them for thousands of years!"
"Oh, things couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe,
Oh, things couldn't be worse when your folks run the universe,"
"Veri, who's your parent?"
" parent is the Devil...remember my lecture, he killed his own minions,"
"Alverio wins,"
"How about you, Daphne?"
"The pair of Lovers, I know, two, sounds mighty,
They try to be cool, but mainly they're flighty,
I'll bring home a girl, and they're there, in their nighties!
(Oh no!)
It's so embarrassing, guys!
I've tried to seek help from even the Fates, cause they steal my mascara, and all of my dates,"
"Alright, Rinina, it's your turn,"
"If I tried to sing, it'll probably cause an avalanche,"
"We're all friends here, come on, give it a shot,"
My mom was named Verona, she loved scary movies, and food that was blue-"
"They're doing it wrong,"
"Yeah, whose your Arcana parent?"
"Oh...I don't know,"
"It's alright, a lot of half bloods never know their arcane parent, just give it a try,"
"So my dad is some Arcana?
That's great, I guess?
Did they not want me, or not want the stress?
Too bad they're the worse, and my life is a mess!
Oh no,
I hope they show even a trace, 'cause I've got some choice words to throw in their face!"
"Oh, things couldn't be worse when your parents run the universe!
Oh, things couldn't be worse-!"
"But I don't care where our parents may be, as long as you are here with me,"
"We don't care where our parents may be, as long as you are here with me,
As long as you are here with me!"

Thing I did while being too nervous to sleep because I had to call the doctor today? this
AU where the apprentices are the offspring of the major arcana, specifically the apprentices and only the apprentices, that's still a lot, shhh

I just did the ones with shitty parents normally, because this was supposed to be something different, so Callie, Cas, and Pirouette, because they have abusive parents

These are all up to friends of course, but Callisto's parent is meant to be the Star, I feel like Teven and Vera have the Hermit for some reason, Pirouette's is Justice? I think it was? or the Wheel of Fortune, Daphne's is the Lovers, who come as a pair, Alverio's is the Devil for some reason, Rinina's is Death, no, I don't know why, just take it

"The Campfire Song"-The Lightening Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical
Calypso-@Berrisweet-Panda on Tumblr
The Apprentice-The Arcana

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