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Not Your Woods by Cowboypunk

Not Your Woods


Wanted to draw a younger Devon, before he left the Vi community he was born into and before he went and obsessively altered his appearance to avoid being recognized as one. So, his skin is still crayon-black from proper sun exposure, he has yet to gouge out the markings on his ears and face, and the beard and most of his hair isn't there yet, leaving only the mane of fleshy strands which act like leaves to collect more sunlight.

While all Vi prefer to be solitary, with many essentially feral, they will sometimes form flowing communities of individuals who drift in and out when they see fit, like crocodiles congregating along a river, and generally for sharing materials or information. More uncommonly, they will form established and longstanding communities of particular individuals - better to maintain knowledge and safety, but harder for them to feel especially comfortable in. To his disdain, Devon was born in such a community. 

Due to it's history near two societies formed by other species - one being prejudiced towards Vi and the other simply being violent - this clan maintained a prominent military force. As is common with this species, their tactics relied heavily on stealth, subterfuge and precaution. This is not to say the clan had any noteworthy militaristic interactions with anyone, they pretty much just fiercely guarded their little territory...and mostly from animals and goblins.

Devon joined early in his life as a scout, a perfect excuse for not having to be around people for extended periods of time. The other strikingly similar Vi with him are strikingly similar because Vi are uniform enough genetically to practically be clones. And also absolutely have the potential of just being clones.

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    Those trees are so gorgeous! wow!