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Movieverse: Scourge by CosmicTrashbag

Movieverse: Scourge


To follow up Cyclonus, of course, I did a Scourge! Only he's muuuuch different from what you were probably expecting!

So; this is Scourge.
May well have been the first Transformer on Earth, he's certainly been around long enough...
I mean, he's been around so long he doesn't have weapons beyond his cane!
The poor old mecha came to Earth as part of his job - An intergalactic explorer! However, he was trapped here, trapped by an unseen force.
Unicron had him now.
The monstrous entity within the planet kept Scourge trapped, and put him to use, tending to his systems as he continued to remain inert, but not dead, as the planet's core.

In his age Scourge became iller and more senile, which made him less likely to argue against whatever Unicron did, in fact, he didn't even notice a lump growing on his back.
He didn't even notice when the ugly thing plopped off.
Or when it sprouted tiny limbs.
The first Sweep was made.
And many, many more followed, all being grown off the oblivious Scourge's back.
Their purpose to aid Scourge in maintaining Unicrons systems and any other, defensive capabilities...

Scourge quickly accepted it too when Unicron brought Quintessa and Galvatron to the fold, then Cyclonus too, and never questioned it when they went out to do Unicrons bidding.
However, he often found himself giving (well, trying to) advice to Cyclonus and Galvatron.

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