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TFP: Galvatron by CosmicTrashbag

TFP: Galvatron


So despite having ample opportunity, TFP failed us and never actually gave us Galvatron. A tragedy. So here’s mine...

  • Megatron tried his hand at cloning too, however, he had the “genius” idea to throw some Dark Energon into the mix and thus! Galvatron was born!
  • Galvatron was immediately unstable and Megatron abandoned the fuck outta this gig and left.
  • He has some abandonment problems because of that. I mean you would too if you woke up in pain and the first guy you saw (Who you had a connection with ‘cos clone) went “fuck no” and ditched you.
  • Dark Energon makes bots look like they’re ‘on fire’, well that’s literal for Galvatron. He can manipulate and generate a purple-coloured fire from his body, he uses it both offensively and defensively, and for the occasional silly time (S’mores anyone?). This, however, is also terribly dangerous when it comes to him having breakdowns and has occasionally melted the edges of his own armour.
  • Having Dark Energon in his system and issues regarding what happened with Megatron he, well, has breakdowns and occasional bursts of uncontrolled anger.
  • Feels inadequate and hates himself, I mean he’s a clone, he pretty much had everything made out for him yet he even failed that.
  • Pretty much took one look at Raf and Bumblebee and went “babies” and they’re his now. He will fite you. He will look after those two li’l goobers they don’t deserve to be hurt and abandoned like he was.
  • Was rescued by a big seeker with a nice pair of horns on him.
  • Hardly leaves said seekers side and always goes back to him.
  • Always has a w-mouth. Always.
  • Is not affiliated with either side but due to his cloned history, he’s wary and standoffish to Autobots.
  • His connection to Megatron was cut off a while after Megatron abandoned him.
  • Can be compared to a happy dog.
  • Can’t bring himself to go near Megatron, honestly kinda ‘afraid’ of him despite being a little bigger.
  • After some confusion, Raf shows him the first Pokemon movie. He cried.
  • Sounds like Megatron except a bit more British for some reason.
  • Has a permanently warm body due to his fire powers.

If someone put a happy naive dog's soul into a body this'd probably be the result.

He views everything as new and exciting, often because it usually is after a life trapped in a lab, but he has a habit of denying and pretending bad things aren't there as he tries to focus on what makes him happy and not scared. He has deep feelings of inadequacy as he thinks that he's an absolute failure who can't do anything right and likes to hide in a corner away from the world to mope. Then after a while, he'll spring back to his happy-go-lucky self. He's apprehensive about getting angry, however, as if he does get angry he has a problem preventing himself from giving in to leftover desires from Megatron's warmongering mind combined with the Dark Energon's call for destruction getting stronger triggering a berserk state.

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