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Rivarly by C-MaxisGR



Jackson and Adrian.... Both Tretstonian Dragons, born around the same year (505 GRS) but aged differently.

Jackson born sometime around Augustii 10th, 121 of 505 GRS, was raised in by his parents one of the few surviving "Police" Intelonian Dragons. Taking after his father, Jackson was raised the normal way a Tretstonian Dragon is raised. Spending nearly 8 years inside the Father's stomach to age/mature properly. By the time the System Wars has happened Jackson was already 10 years old.

As Jackson grew up further with his parents, they moved to Oakutarui III to live off a calm life in the Planet's Capital at the time, Mezzaia City. It's hear, Jackson became involved in the Police Force as much as his father did. Though his curiosity proved to be his weakness when he kept failing the exams. Feeling disheartened Jackson tried other fields in the Police Force. Eventually moving to Metro sometime around 2500 GRS. He received a Job from the Republic Intelligence, to work as an Intelligence Officer, keeping very important files safe while also making sure intelligence and or attacks that are monitored aren't leaked out to the Enemy.
Soon Jackson was assigned by the Navy to be the Intelligence Officer for the RCIS Branch operating out of Metro. To his relief he was able to serve in the Police Force living up to his father's legacy even after his parent's natural death. Now 55 years old. Jackson remains in the Intelligence Industry, providing clues and tips for the RCIS' Deadeye's Crew, including providing backup to the "Probee" whenever they call for help.

As much as Adrian grew, he aged differently, being constantly taken out of his father's gut for actual time to relax, Adrian aged very slowly so when the System Wars happened, he was already 6.
Around 3000 GRS, when Supreme Chancellor Adrian visited the RCIS Headquarters, he confronts Jackson. At first it's a formal greeting before Jackson's snide attitude began to turn the formal greeting into a rivalry. To the point Jackson has called Adrian, "Immature and Too Young" to be Supreme Chancellor, while Adrian has called Jackson "Disrespectful and Hateful" However these two may share their rivalries against each other, they do respect each other's jobs and positions in the Galactic Republic.

Art, Characters © Me
Royal Family Arc and RCIS Arc © Me

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