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u wot m8 by Chimaera

u wot m8


[FA crosspost | December 17th, 2013]

I start drawing again and FA decides to go down for a week LOL OOPS :V

I'm very quiet here on FA. Not sure why. Figured I'd update you guys, though. I've had an epiphany as of late. I've realized that I need to stop taking shit when its dealt to me, that I need to stop letting folks walk all over me, that I need to be more confident and love myself and blah blah blah overall I'm happier than I have been in years.

Ko represented all that way back in the day when I was a miserable lil sack of shit. He was a goal for me, of sorts. What I wanted to be rather than what I was.

I feel like, in a way, I've reached that. Or am at least well on my way to doing so.

As a result, a couple of days ago I considered retiring him, since Haku is eventually going to change to suit these changes in myself.

He didn't like the idea.

Soooo I guess I'll hang on to him. I'm not sure what I'll do with him once I update Haku again, but we'll see.

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