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We're Going to Love and Tolerate the Shit Out of You by CatBountry

We're Going to Love and Tolerate the Shit Out of You


This piece is the single most popular piece of mine on FurAffinity, so I suppose I should put it up here, too.

My feelings towards this piece, and towards bronies and people who hate them have changed a bit since then. The MLP fandom has shown that it's capable of the same kind of vitriol that Tourette's Werewolf here is spewing (including calling some depictions of human Twilight Sparkle "Nigger Twilight") and as such I've found myself become a bit disillusioned with the fandom. Tales of harassment and confrontations at conventions, poor behavior, feelings of entitlement, and people in denial that they're watching a cartoon aimed at young girls have all spread around the internet. I'm not stupid enough to think that all bronies are like that, before you start to defend your fellow bronies. Of course I know that. The fact that the fandom harbors these horrible people who do horrible things and that there are people who are willing to defend them for it is what bothers me. I feel like the term "brony" has become tainted much the same way that "furry" used to be.

I still love this cartoon, and I have met some really smart, funny and kind people through a mutual love of a cartoon for little girls. I still think it's cool that a show for little girls isn't being dismissed as being a waste of time or garbage, and that a quality show that depicts girls being good friends and learning lessons and being comfortable in their own skin, without being tedious or overly preachy. That's great! But I think bronies need to take a step back and realize they aren't the target audience and that they're not entitled to act in ways that are rude or disrespectful or dangerous. When we say Love and Tolerate, we mean you too, bronies.

There's a reason why people keep depicting you as rude, creepy nerds with scraggly beards and fedoras and an overinflated sense of entitlement. It's because those guys exist. And they're loud. And people don't like those guys.

Don't be those guys.

And of course if none of that applies to you then we cool.

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