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COM: Reptile Appreciation Day Page! by carnival

COM: Reptile Appreciation Day Page!


Carni: Ace-goooo for Caltsar!

Ry: WOOOOOOO more goo dragons!!!!! Heck yeah for goo dragons and yay for more ace friends. So many rad people I know are ace and from what I hear Caltsar is keeping up that trend so heck yeah ('3 (And I mean they are adding more goo dragons to the world, already puts them in my good graces X3)

KeyOracle was SUPER SWEET in nominating my own character, Woof (the snake), for their order!

(turns out. she makes a fairly awful maid!) but she -is- trying her best \X3

Ry: Dawwwww my gosh she is trying so hard, she's still gotta practise making sure she doesn't get her shoulders too dusty or else she gets in a loop of cleaning a spot, only to redust it when she slides off to clean somewhere else ^-^

Carni: B-rex for an part-reptile space-filler!


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*Drawn up in CSP

Characters ©

Caltsar © Caltsar

Artwork, Woof & B-Rex by Erika V, October 2021